Volume 31:

When the Need is Greatest, God’s Help is Closest to you!

When the need is greatest, God’s help is closest to you! The word has been going around for a long time.
It comes as a word of comfort from many people’s mouths, but unfortunately often thoughtlessly and only so that something is said about the worries that oppress others.
The beautiful word, which holds a promise, has become an empty formula of social politeness.
But those who do not want to call God, as there are so many who do, because they are prevented from doing so for a thousand reasons, use instead: “Sunshine follows rain!” Or other sayings that have the same meaning. There are many of them.
But not one of them carries the deep seriousness and also the power as the word: When the need is greatest, God’s help is closest to you!
Every person will feel the uplifting power that flows from this word when they think of it during heavy sorrows. There is something special about it that is not given to any other of the many forms of consolation. It comes forth like a victorious hero, and you feel it without realizing what the reassurance is capable of producing.
But he who stands in the Message knows the power of the word when it resonates in the Law of Creation; therein lies the secret of this effect. The sentence named here is well connected with the Light vibrations and therefore conveys a power that must surprise, if it falls on good ground.
Like everything else, however, there is a basic condition: the ground must be prepared for it!
But in severe hardships it is often prepared through shock. In this way, words can form a bridge for help from the Power of the Creator, which is ready for every creature, since it is vibrating in the whole of Creation. The creature need only look up to the Lord with trust, for trust always forms the best path for help from the Force.
Now the process of applying the sentence is like this: The words “When the need is greatest, God’s help is also nearest” awaken confidence in the person who believes in God.
In this way, these words form a bridge, for the trust that has been awakened through them rises like a request, a prayer, because it is felt by the human spirit. At the same time, the spirit opens itself to new strength, which again flows out through it to the areas that weigh him down heavily.
In this way, these pressing areas of a person’s misfortune will come into the Ray of Light, which overcomes the evil.
But where a person does not believe in God’s help, the trust that is necessary to let in the Holy Power of the Light and to direct It to those areas that create the need, cannot arise through these words.
Now, do not think that you can direct the Light Force that strikes you through selfish thoughts of hatred and plans of destruction. These would be impure channels through which the Light Power cannot flow without clouding.
And every clouding brings attenuation. You would consequently weaken the effect of the help intended for you. Only if you are able to receive the strength in pure trust in God, which asks for God’s help and leaves it up to His Wisdom in which way He wants to help, then it is right and possible to use the Power unclouded to avert and extinguish the evil.
You need not and must not cherish your own thoughts for the kind and form of the effect! Wait in quiet confidence.
Your suffering already shows the Power the way! And so even the heaviest suffering will have to turn away from you in the end, without you burdening yourselves anew with thoughts of thoughtless anger or hatred.
Therefore, the word is also given to you as a warning: Vengeance is mine and I will repay!
It is to give you a hint that you behave as it is God’s Will and with that in the Law of Creation, so that the Force of the Light can then really help you! After all, you must form the passage for it.
Wherever you look, you see help around you, you are enveloped in help so that you could not fall at all if you wanted to see. And you can only see, that is, “know”, through knowledge of God’s Laws in Creation, which carry the Will that helps you wherever you are in need, if you do not keep yourselves closed off from the helping Power!
The time will soon come when you will stand shaken before the greatness of God and before His Love that rests in His will and works through Him! Then you will want to perish with sorrow in the recognition of your failure, your guilt, which not only pushed all these aids away from you, but wanted to rise above them in the arrogance that only ever comes from smallness; for greatness does not know conceit, because it has no need to be conceited.
That is why conceit is always a sign of inner smallness and the expression of the consciousness that smallness needs to appear a little bigger through conceit than it really is! It is precisely the awareness of one’s own smallness that is the best nourishment for conceit.
You humans are in reality so embedded by your Creator that nothing could happen to you. You are guided and led so that nothing can push you off the right path unless you want it!
And yet you have sunk so low, you have turned away from the Light. That which was impossible in all simplicity you have afforded and forced upon yourselves in reckless vanity: You strayed from the right path, which led upwards in a perfectly straight direction!
You wanted to go into the swamp, and your free will pushed you down, deeper and deeper, the very thing that should lift you upwards in the longing for the light.
Today you do not yet know the full weight of your guilt! But a thousand times over it now rises against you, from all sides, and bursts upon you, as it was not to be expected otherwise.
From one week to the next, the thick veils are being lifted more and more; for you shall become seeing and then go down, if you do not still prefer to expend all your strength to cling to the last aids in supplication, in readiness to begin a completely new life, which with humility endeavours to recognize the greatness of God in Creation, in order to observe the Holy Will in service and to climb up in it to the Luminous Heights.
In doing so, you slowly lift your surroundings with you and strive in purity towards the perfection of beauty, which arises as the expression of the nature of your spirit in the growth and blossoming of its maturity.
Yes, you desperately need help! All of you, without exception. And that is why I call out to you once again today that when the need will be greatest, God’s help will also be closest to you! But you must create a soil for the help within you that is capable of receiving it, as is the condition for everything that comes to you from the Light!
Do not be frivolous in your trust in God and do not be superficial in your faith, for you can only be helped if this trust is strong and firmly anchored in you.
And to you, bearers of the cross, I say once again: As soon as you have to suffer from temptations which the darkness still wants to prepare for you, do not harbour thoughts of hatred in the hardships, but remain free of them and trustingly look only upwards to the Light, to God, who will never leave you and who can help you in every adversity!
Then help will come to you which will surprise you and which will be miracles for people; for God will then reveal His Holy Will, tangibly and visibly to all people who want to see Him in the helps! He will speak through his omnipotence!
But also remember that you must not play with it! Jesus, the Son of God, did not let Himself slide from the pinnacle to show people how God protects Him! Take this as an example and as a warning.
How often do you thwart the plans from the Light through carelessness and superficiality, by inserting so many an erroneous volition, through ever new mistakes that you make.
Then you cry out when the consequences hit you and call on God to help you! Even though you yourselves have acted against His Will, only because you have not yet immersed yourselves in it enough and have not yet heeded the calls, hints, and warnings from the Spiritual Realm seriously enough. They were offered to you in abundance.
Simply following the spiritual admonitions literally should have been enough to spare you half and even more of the worries and suffering. Your task should always be to act in all earthly things only in such a way that the darkness is never given another opportunity to attack you on Earth! But you have taken your speeches far too lightly, as well as your writing!
In this, then, there is a difference. How often have I pointed out that even the best volition can cause a great deal of damage, and even good volition has already caused a great deal of serious harm when the human being is guided exclusively by his own thinking.
If you imagine that some of these things could not have been done any other way, you are very much mistaken, you must not think that the Lord would not have found other ways than the ones you have thought of, if you had asked him for them dearly. And that is what you still lack. The heartfelt, childlike asking!
You think that if you want to serve God, then all the ways you go about it must be right with Him. That is only an unjust demand and has nothing to do with trust in God.
Learn to pray fervently! If you need a solution, it will certainly be given to you in some form or other. But ask first that it be given you to act rightly before you begin, and do not ask for good success when you have already begun according to your purpose!
Each of you has the strong guidance from the Grail, you should already ask them to help you! But this will seldom happen, because you think of your guidance as serving you, and therefore it must help you in serving.
You may also often remember them with gratitude when you have succeeded in a work that you hardly thought capable of completing.
Go into yourselves seriously for once and ask your spirit, without any tenderness of your own, how things stand in this matter! Many of you will be ashamed to think of many failures in this.
It is shown to you clearly in all the books you are allowed to get to know, with the reports from past times, how people are to live who are called by the Light, and how they must act in order to succeed in It.
The purpose of allowing all this to be given to you now is not only to enrich your knowledge now, but to show your spirit in turn the paths it must take to reach knowledge step by step.
You will be shown in the experience of others what the Message announces to you and what it demands of you.
Above all, never forget that darkness always harbours hatred against the Light and only waits for opportunities to harm it, that it even seeks to build up possibilities to do so if there is no other way, be it unhesitatingly through lies and slander or also through false testimony. Everything is fine for the darkness as well as for its tools and voluntary helpers, if it can only hinder the Light in its advance.
For this reason you must be doubly vigilant and seek to avoid everything where it can become possible to skilfully form a false image of it.
And where you are nevertheless pressed, remember the word that God”s help is closest to you when the need is greatest.
But not all people regard the word as the promise it is. For one must not think of it as a one-sided, only wanting to receive, as people do in most cases, but the words also set a condition!
God is mentioned in it, which presupposes that it applies to people who believe in God and in His help, His power. A denier of God would close himself off from this help from the Light!
Now consider the lawfulness which comes into effect in the processes. It is not difficult to see it clearly.
Whoever truly believes in God and His All-Holy Will in the right form and manner will also not act contrary to God's Laws in evil will. Thus the path of God’s help always remains open for him!
If he comes into earthly distress, then the cause can only lie in human works or in human views, which do not always resonate in the Will of God, but arise from human selfish calculations.
If he violates these, God’s help is not denied him.
There is often a great difference between what is called guilt in the sight of men and in the sight of human laws, and what is really guilt in the sight of the Holy Law of God!
The reciprocal action in Creation never allows itself to be distracted and it is not guided by the wording of earthly laws, but it works in the vibrations of God’s Will all by itself.
As soon as an earthly legislator, in working out earthly laws, does not carefully consider whether his laws are indeed in accordance with God’s All-Holy Will, and remains vibrating in It without diverting from It, every effect then weighs heavily on him and keeps him firmly bound, even if he is of the opinion that in his time it would only be possible to do it in this way and not at all differently here on earth.
It also applies to all those who, acting within the law, oppress or harm others.
All this is so simple and so clear that there is no need to speak of it, for people see it again and again in the whole history of the world if they pay attention to it. They can find in it the rapid rise of individuals and whole peoples who, from their apparent heights, then had to perish in a sudden fall!
This was then always the effect of the reciprocity of wrong actions and various resolutions that were not in harmony with the fixed, always remaining unchangeable, Holy Will of God.
But whoever seeks to derive earthly laws from God’s Will when working them out, builds on solid ground and his works will also exist in the blessing and peace they bring to all people who have to live by these laws!
There is no difference in effect, regardless of whether the events involved individuals who sought to establish very specific guidelines for themselves by their own decisions, or whether this applied to entire nations by rulers who had the fate of a people in their hands: every decision must be firmly anchored in the Will of God, as soon as a blessing is to come from it!
A determination must not come from a person’s own will, no matter what goals he pursues in doing so. His thoughts must rest in the Will of God, for God alone is the True Ruler of all!
Every person remains dependent on Him, whether he is a king or a beggar. He only gets protection, help and blessings when he is guided by God’s Will and not his own! This remains the case at all times, and makes itself visible in the effects again and again.
For this reason, first weigh carefully within yourself all that you intend to speak and do, so that the reciprocal action can only bring you blessings from it.
It is better to think about something ten times and try to weigh the pros and cons carefully than to say and do something without thinking about it even once, or to look at some things superficially.
Thinking about it ten times does not take much time. Once you get used to it, you need only a few seconds, because your intuition weighs it up in a flash.
Of course, it will cost you some effort in the beginning, until it finally becomes a matter of course in the consciousness of responsibility!
All human beings must reach this goal, no matter what they do on Earth, no matter where they have chosen to place their present existence.
Then there will be a unified, joyful activity, which has always been the silent longing of people who sought only to serve God by being on Earth!