Volume 15:
The Necessary Balance
Here on earth, at last, God’s original Law of Creation, the Law of Balance for the salvation of mankind, shall be strictly fulfilled in the right sense, which has so far not only remained unnoticed, but has even been called unchristian and ignoble in self-satisfied blindness.
Humanity, with only earthly concepts, once again sought to improve the perfection of its Creator’s Will, and soon found a shimmering cloak for this presumption. It was called compassion! Pity that has nothing to do with the mercy of the Samaritan that Christ Jesus once taught in the parable.
Mercy is greatness of spirit, pity is Pharisaism!
Pity was created by reason as a distortion of mercy. In pity, the person who grants it admires himself, or he lets prudence prevail.
The recipient, however, demands or expects it in many cases out of self-evidence, convenience and envy, which can escalate into hatred.
But all this is now against God’s immutable Law, according to which in giving only may there be taking! Eternal balance must exist in it, which alone creates movement, thus keeping healthy and fresh and causing progress in continuous development, bringing ascent in the true sense and full harmony! Only where giving and receiving are in exact balance will there be peace and happiness! This is the Law of God which sustains and promotes the whole of Creation.
Any discord in this through change of this law must bring inertia of the necessary movement, paralysis, decline, standstill alone, which is in this Creation. Thus discord, disease, death! In it again arises envy, hatred, robbery and murder, and all the evils that are manifest today and will increase until the collapse of every hope, every striving.
In this, change must be relentlessly created according to the Will of God! Giving alone determines receiving! He who is not ready to give should not be allowed to take, that is, nothing should be given to him! Not even the word, it must be acquired! Otherwise it is unhealthy and can never bring blessing, even if it may seem to be so on earth, for it is against God's original Law of Creation!
Strict, hard it seems to you at first. But this is precisely the greatest help that the human spirit can receive, because it forces it to that activity which is conditioned for it in Creation, as it is for every creature. Through activity alone it develops in a lawful manner, also promotes the environment and grows stronger. Instead of this, however, in so many places it has so far only brought up inertia, which slackens the spirit.
So nothing must be given in the future where there is not a counter-value for it, even if it is only in really pure joy! In this alone lies the awakening of all human spirits here on earth, which need proper movement for their recovery and strengthening, just as the gross material bodies do, and like everything in Creation! Without constant movement in the Creative Pressure of God’s Force, there can be no true progress, no joy of ascension, and no blessed affirmation of all being!
“Creation lies spread out before thee in beauty, man, but stir yourself in it, acquire what thou wilt possess of it!”
Thus it roars powerfully admonishingly out of the Light as a moving law in high pressure. And this pressure is now intensified in the Judgement. Whoever is not quite willing to use it beneficially for himself and for the blessing of others in untiring activity, whoever does not want to go with this strong pressure, will be worn down, crushed by it, as an inhibition and as a useless troublemaker!
This Law of the Incessant Necessity of Movement has been in this World from the very beginning. But man, in his vanity, introduced compassion so that he could be admired as a giver, and through the duty of gratitude created slaves unworthy of humanity.
As a result, many slackened in increasing indolence, became spiritually crippled who can only envy and hate everything that others have acquired. Now finally move yourself in spirit and on earth, human being, in order to acquire what you need, what you want to possess. Every relief in this is poison for you! It makes you dull and lame, leads to comfort with unhealthy desires, and finally to physical illness, spiritual decay!
Movement in the balance between giving and taking becomes the inexorable commandment of the future according to the Will of God! It applies to all situations in life!
There is no balance in taking from the haves by any regulations or laws in order to give to others! This is too one-sided and unhealthy; it lacks life because it does not vibrate in the Law of Creation. State leaders must never inhibit private property, but must promote and protect it. Nor should they help themselves in embarrassments by forcibly reaching into the pockets of their citizens, and disposing of other people’s property only to make their own work easier. The main purpose of a state is, first and foremost, to guarantee the free and quiet possession of its citizens.
Out of themselves, with their abilities, they must find help in times of need. State leaders and citizens must never be merged into one, but are two separate things, each of which must remain healthy in itself, but which must always stand side by side in full harmony, mutually promoting each other.
They must be, like a woman and a man, in a completely healthy marriage or, like in the household of creation, the working of the Essentiality and the Spiritual.
The citizens of the State must, by their way of living, ensure peace, well-being and prosperity of the internal household, and the State leaders must carry out outward activities for the development of internal prosperity and the maintenance of peace, through connections with other States and peoples.
Each part must be fully absorbed in its own activity, then they will not hinder but support each other.
If the leaders of the state develop their skills mainly outwardly and are really capable of doing something, then peace in the country will follow all by itself.
But for this to happen, it requires a transformation of the human spirit. As they have been before and still are at present, the healthy balance will never be able to take place which vibrates in the original Laws of Creation, in which alone lies prosperity and peace; for the whole of humanity, with only a few exceptions, is still ignorant of these unalterable Laws, as a result of which these Laws cannot work for them, but the whole of Creation opposes them. Humanity, however, is the weaker and inevitably defeated part until it finally submits, because it must submit. Until then, however, there will be no real success.
Of course, it is only to be expected that in return for every act of giving, something in return must be done in some form or other. No one may take it for granted that this or that one of his neighbours will do something for him out of kindness without having to give at least one good word in return. A word that is of value to the other person! That does not just mean a formality.
Create order in it, people, and in doing so you will first create healthy soil for yourselves, which will support a good structure.
The so-called honorary offices are also evil. With few exceptions they are only cloaks and bridges for debased ambition, for the lust for power and for all striving that wants to be conspicuous and valid. No, that is not the right thing to do, and it is not wanted for earthly community life either, since it only allows unhealthy things to arise in it and promotes them. For the sake of the few exceptions, however, so many evils that are attractive must not be maintained.
Here, too, the Law of God is to be the basis, unchanged, without first trimming it to suit human desires and their vanities or weaknesses, as has always happened up to now.
It is not love, to help in the way one has chosen so far on earth; for love seeks to do only that which is real help to others.
Let fresh winds blow, harsh and clear, so that the softness and sultriness is blown away, and pay no attention if many an unhealthily, spoiled person catches a bad cold in the beginning.
Humanity, with only earthly concepts, once again sought to improve the perfection of its Creator’s Will, and soon found a shimmering cloak for this presumption. It was called compassion! Pity that has nothing to do with the mercy of the Samaritan that Christ Jesus once taught in the parable.
Mercy is greatness of spirit, pity is Pharisaism!
Pity was created by reason as a distortion of mercy. In pity, the person who grants it admires himself, or he lets prudence prevail.
The recipient, however, demands or expects it in many cases out of self-evidence, convenience and envy, which can escalate into hatred.
But all this is now against God’s immutable Law, according to which in giving only may there be taking! Eternal balance must exist in it, which alone creates movement, thus keeping healthy and fresh and causing progress in continuous development, bringing ascent in the true sense and full harmony! Only where giving and receiving are in exact balance will there be peace and happiness! This is the Law of God which sustains and promotes the whole of Creation.
Any discord in this through change of this law must bring inertia of the necessary movement, paralysis, decline, standstill alone, which is in this Creation. Thus discord, disease, death! In it again arises envy, hatred, robbery and murder, and all the evils that are manifest today and will increase until the collapse of every hope, every striving.
In this, change must be relentlessly created according to the Will of God! Giving alone determines receiving! He who is not ready to give should not be allowed to take, that is, nothing should be given to him! Not even the word, it must be acquired! Otherwise it is unhealthy and can never bring blessing, even if it may seem to be so on earth, for it is against God's original Law of Creation!
Strict, hard it seems to you at first. But this is precisely the greatest help that the human spirit can receive, because it forces it to that activity which is conditioned for it in Creation, as it is for every creature. Through activity alone it develops in a lawful manner, also promotes the environment and grows stronger. Instead of this, however, in so many places it has so far only brought up inertia, which slackens the spirit.
So nothing must be given in the future where there is not a counter-value for it, even if it is only in really pure joy! In this alone lies the awakening of all human spirits here on earth, which need proper movement for their recovery and strengthening, just as the gross material bodies do, and like everything in Creation! Without constant movement in the Creative Pressure of God’s Force, there can be no true progress, no joy of ascension, and no blessed affirmation of all being!
“Creation lies spread out before thee in beauty, man, but stir yourself in it, acquire what thou wilt possess of it!”
Thus it roars powerfully admonishingly out of the Light as a moving law in high pressure. And this pressure is now intensified in the Judgement. Whoever is not quite willing to use it beneficially for himself and for the blessing of others in untiring activity, whoever does not want to go with this strong pressure, will be worn down, crushed by it, as an inhibition and as a useless troublemaker!
This Law of the Incessant Necessity of Movement has been in this World from the very beginning. But man, in his vanity, introduced compassion so that he could be admired as a giver, and through the duty of gratitude created slaves unworthy of humanity.
As a result, many slackened in increasing indolence, became spiritually crippled who can only envy and hate everything that others have acquired. Now finally move yourself in spirit and on earth, human being, in order to acquire what you need, what you want to possess. Every relief in this is poison for you! It makes you dull and lame, leads to comfort with unhealthy desires, and finally to physical illness, spiritual decay!
Movement in the balance between giving and taking becomes the inexorable commandment of the future according to the Will of God! It applies to all situations in life!
There is no balance in taking from the haves by any regulations or laws in order to give to others! This is too one-sided and unhealthy; it lacks life because it does not vibrate in the Law of Creation. State leaders must never inhibit private property, but must promote and protect it. Nor should they help themselves in embarrassments by forcibly reaching into the pockets of their citizens, and disposing of other people’s property only to make their own work easier. The main purpose of a state is, first and foremost, to guarantee the free and quiet possession of its citizens.
Out of themselves, with their abilities, they must find help in times of need. State leaders and citizens must never be merged into one, but are two separate things, each of which must remain healthy in itself, but which must always stand side by side in full harmony, mutually promoting each other.
They must be, like a woman and a man, in a completely healthy marriage or, like in the household of creation, the working of the Essentiality and the Spiritual.
The citizens of the State must, by their way of living, ensure peace, well-being and prosperity of the internal household, and the State leaders must carry out outward activities for the development of internal prosperity and the maintenance of peace, through connections with other States and peoples.
Each part must be fully absorbed in its own activity, then they will not hinder but support each other.
If the leaders of the state develop their skills mainly outwardly and are really capable of doing something, then peace in the country will follow all by itself.
But for this to happen, it requires a transformation of the human spirit. As they have been before and still are at present, the healthy balance will never be able to take place which vibrates in the original Laws of Creation, in which alone lies prosperity and peace; for the whole of humanity, with only a few exceptions, is still ignorant of these unalterable Laws, as a result of which these Laws cannot work for them, but the whole of Creation opposes them. Humanity, however, is the weaker and inevitably defeated part until it finally submits, because it must submit. Until then, however, there will be no real success.
Of course, it is only to be expected that in return for every act of giving, something in return must be done in some form or other. No one may take it for granted that this or that one of his neighbours will do something for him out of kindness without having to give at least one good word in return. A word that is of value to the other person! That does not just mean a formality.
Create order in it, people, and in doing so you will first create healthy soil for yourselves, which will support a good structure.
The so-called honorary offices are also evil. With few exceptions they are only cloaks and bridges for debased ambition, for the lust for power and for all striving that wants to be conspicuous and valid. No, that is not the right thing to do, and it is not wanted for earthly community life either, since it only allows unhealthy things to arise in it and promotes them. For the sake of the few exceptions, however, so many evils that are attractive must not be maintained.
Here, too, the Law of God is to be the basis, unchanged, without first trimming it to suit human desires and their vanities or weaknesses, as has always happened up to now.
It is not love, to help in the way one has chosen so far on earth; for love seeks to do only that which is real help to others.
Let fresh winds blow, harsh and clear, so that the softness and sultriness is blown away, and pay no attention if many an unhealthily, spoiled person catches a bad cold in the beginning.