Volume 58:

I Send You!

Go forth, proclaim and explain my Word in the Light of Truth! So that the Kingdom of God may come upon the earth.
Thy Kingdom come! How often have these words been spoken since the Son of God Jesus was here on this earth. Spoken in enthusiasm, contemplated with fervent supplication and unspeakable longing by those truly striving for the Light and enlightenment.
And now, when this great hour in the great events of the World has come, when the Kingdom of God is to come to you, you people of earth, you want to pass it by, you even want to fight it, because it does not come in the way you thought it would in your narrow imagination.
You do not realize what you are doing. But that does not protect you from the fact that you will have to bear the consequences of your actions until the final end, however bitter it may be and perhaps it will have to be the end of you!
What you have been asking and pleading for thousands of years, when sickness, worry or hardship knocked on your doors, you shall receive when the time for it is fulfilled, and yet you pay little more attention to it than to a beggar who becomes a nuisance to you.
But Holy is God! And Holy also is the Word which He sends to you! He will no longer allow that which is sacred to be desecrated with impunity by unfaithful men who think they are more than they are before Him and the inviolability of Creation, His Work, which He left to them only out of Grace! – But Holy also is His wrath, which the presumptuousness of mankind has now forced down, so that it may be unleashed and purify the parts of the World which such wrongdoing has polluted.
In Holy Justice all men will now meet with retribution in the way they created the ground for it for themselves, and in the force they deserve consequently.
Justice! It will be given to all of you, to each according to the measure that he has formed in himself by his previous willing. ––
Throughout all the Heavens and throughout all the worlds, the one word resounds crystal clear, brazen, sharp: Justice! And this word is life, becomes judgement for you! Immediately, without delay, it roars forth, pervades, embraces the whole of Creation with irresistible force, powerful and great, sublime above all human thinking…. Holy!
And with this Justice, the Kingdom of God takes root on this earth, in the whole of Creation, so that all those can now feel happy and secure who earnestly and humbly strive for the Light.
It will become clear who belongs to this group! There will be no more “ifs” and no more “buts” for the people on earth, by which they have hitherto missed their best time only brooding and playfully. That will be taken from them and with it the weapon wrested from their hands, which they have persistently turned against themselves, lamenting and wreaking.
The miracle is worked by God’s Holy Wrath! You, go out then and proclaim and explain my message, which brings the Kingdom of God to the people on earth.
But announce and explain them correctly! Do not again mix wine with water, as happened once when Christ Jesus walked on earth and even more when He was no longer on earth.
You must therefore first grasp fully the Message within yourselves before you can proclaim it to others! And if you want to pass on the Word, then do it in the form I have given it to you! Let my Will remain in it as it is, and do not put your will into the same words. –
This again requires that you know my Will exactly! In proclaiming my Message, you must follow the structure exactly as I gave It to you! In it lies a precisely willed, wise guidance for the souls of men who long for the Light. Take this as a guideline for the work of building up and guiding. You must not arbitrarily change anything in it, you cannot arbitrarily take one lecture or another from the midst in the belief that this one in particular is to be used for a questioner.
It would only appear so in the beginning, soon it will become apparent what you omitted with it. Step by step you must lead the souls, without haste, in patience, as I have led you; for they come ignorant like children of everything that has already become familiar to you.
Do not expect of them what you can give, for you must not forget that I have raised your spirit to a greater understanding than man is otherwise capable of. You are gifted, so that you can now fulfil!
Things that have long become self-evident to you, and about which you no longer speak, are still great revelations to the seekers, which they must first learn to grasp fully before they can go further in knowledge.
You must never expect the questioners to struggle to grow into the heights of your comprehension, but you must approach them spiritually, you must offer your hands to all those who ask on their level of understanding, only in this way will they be able to grasp the help to move upwards.
Nor must you mix anything from current lectures with parts of the contents from the beginning of the Message; for they cannot unite, because they must follow one after the other in order to give the steps for the right understanding. Continuous maturing is absolutely required in the sequence determined by me; for, I start with the beginnings of previous understanding and gradually increase the knowledge so that a human spirit can follow me in it. Then I draw the parts of Creation further and further apart, separate much that has hitherto remained under a collective expression into new parts, which I had not yet named.
Only in this way was it possible for me to unfold over time a picture of great things which man can grasp, provided that he follows me exactly and does not omit a step beforehand or take it too fleetingly. The smallest gap would make it quite impossible for him!
The structure of my Message contains the secret of Omniscience, which knows the human spirits and their abilities better than you humans are able to. And you must submit to this wisdom at all costs, otherwise you will never achieve what you are striving for!
I do not hand over the Message to you so that you can do with It as you please in passing it on to the people, but I make it a condition that it must remain immovable in all that it contains and as it is! Whoever wants to change the smallest meaning, the smallest word, even with the best of intentions, is in the wrong!
It is the Holy Word of God, which man must not touch in order to make it more convenient for himself, or to make it easier for indolent human spirits to understand!
The structure must remain as I gave it to you. And anyone who tries to tamper with it must be cut off from the Grace of reaching out to others. Enough has already been sinned with Jesus’ Word, where human wisdom wanted to sift, only because it did not understand it, and because so many things seemed inconvenient for earthly realization. People preferred to insist on earthly things and bent the Word so that it could find harmony with the human way of thinking.
In its structure, the Message offers the human soul continuous upward progress to its highest perfection! Take heed, never be tempted to deviate from it.
Remember, it is you who are leading! When leading, you go steadily forward and do not keep jumping backwards to the places you have long since passed.
Do not treat the Holy Word in the way that has been customary in temples and churches. Do not alternately take parts from the middle, the beginning or the end, in order to then discuss them in an explanatory and explanatory way, but always only follow the one firm path that I gave you in the structure. The Word is not to be directed according to the people, but all people according to the Word! For the Word is, but men are yet to become.
This time, man has to approach the Word, not the Word the individual.
Understand this well and remember it firmly, for therein lies the help for the people and for your success. Do not divide the Word, but divide the people into groups that must be guided by a learned spirit! Then it is right. Always begin with each group at the beginning! Do not accept anyone in between who has not first made an effort to catch up in order to stand in a sequence with the others.
It would be wrong if, in the progress of the Lectures in a serious group of listeners, one were to fall back again and again indiscriminately for one’s own convenience. But mind you, I am only referring to the teachers and leaders, those who spread my word, not listeners or readers.
The listeners or readers can of course always reach backwards for themselves, since each sentence has its own content necessary to know from the beginning, and does not repeat itself in the same way. Man cannot miss it.
The human soul is carefully guided in my Word. It is precisely in the structure that all the supports lie which the soul needs. That is why it must not take any leaps, neither forwards nor backwards. However, it must stand securely on each step before it lifts its foot to the next step. If it fulfils this, it will reach perfection, its goal, without falling and without stopping.
Therefore, follow me also in this: As I try to live in your presence in my Lectures up here, so you must adapt your work to the respective present maturity of the people if you really want to help those who ask and have success in it.
For this reason you have been gifted and prepared far from the general world, each of you according to your own nature.
Beware, therefore, of using things that have already happened in the past for your respective maturity. But also avoid rushing ahead in your explanations. Both have a disturbing, inhibiting and repulsive effect instead of promoting, no matter how well-intentioned. You always do harm instead of good, give stones instead of bread.
Therefore, remain alive in the Word and in the people, strive to constantly maintain harmony between these two poles, creating balance within yourselves, if you truly want to proclaim the Word in my sense!
Never make yourselves comfortable, but remain flexible in yourselves and around yourselves, because the Holy Word is life!
Proclamations of the Word should not be comfortable hours of edification for people, but the most intense working hours of their spirit, and also working hours for yourselves, who want to spread the Word!
You shall not edify the people, but lead them! Lead upwards a path to bright heights. That demands effort! There must be neither backward nor forward jumping, nor aimless confusion, in order to pick out only beautiful places as one chooses. If you want to reach a beautiful vantage point, you must always go all the way there, otherwise you will not be able to enjoy the view! Just pay attention to such analogies in nature, which can give you the best guidance for many, indeed for all activities.
And when you speak, use simple language! Only in simplicity lies greatness. But always remember that simplicity must never be confused with ease. That would be wrong. It is precisely everything that is really simple that requires the greatest development of power within you!
Simplicity also requires unadulterated genuineness, for without genuineness simplicity would immediately sink to ridiculousness. With simplicity in thought, speech and action there can never be deception, no falseness, because it cannot conceal itself in it. Simplicity must be genuine through and through, otherwise it cannot exist, otherwise it is not simplicity, which remains inseparable from truth.
Only truth can therefore be said with simple and clear words. The other needs beautiful words to paraphrase, pompous sentences, appendages, so that it only sounds like something. It is exactly the same in your actions and in all your changes. Only when you can become really simple in it, are you also really true in yourself!
But do not confuse simplicity again with poorness or lowliness! That is something quite different.
Simplicity unfolds beauty of every kind, even more, it is beauty itself, and beauty is naturalness in every form; for the natural is always beautiful in itself. Man alone makes so much into a distorted image through compulsion, because he has lost simplicity within himself.
Called Ones, you still have much to learn and in many ways you must still change, but you only have time left for action, no longer for reflection or slow maturing. Overnight you must now be ready within yourselves!
Those who are called have accepted the obligation to live in an exemplary manner in society, in one’s profession and also in the family; in short, to be truly human in a way that is pleasing to God and furthers the whole of Creation, the abundant fruits of which they may enjoy in every form that it constantly offers them, like a table that is always richly laid.
If some are not allowed in to be satisfied, it is only because of people who sacrilegiously intrude; for Creation offers all that man needs, and also offers enough for all whom it has received as guests. ––
And not only should you teach the Word, you must also let it come alive in and on you! Also in you, outwardly! You must mould yourselves according to the Word.
Whoever carries the Word alive within himself, it will necessarily force outwards of its own accord, not only in speech, but also in everything he does! He will strive to ennoble himself in cleanliness, dress, movements, he will and must strive to be such that he will be a joy to his fellow men, whether at work or in everyday life, at the table or in his hours of rest, no matter, he will shape his whole being in such a way that he will appear in the earthly well perfected.
That is the duty, the goal that every human being has on earth, that is also why he has incarnated here on earth. He is to polish himself among men. Even though he has to leave his physical body on earth, though he has to continue his wanderings in Creation ... what he acquired in the constraint of the physical body, the control, the nobility of his movements, he takes all that with him as the property of the soul.
The inner development of the spirit must remain in step with its outer nature, in harmony.
It is not possible for a human spirit to be really noble and mature in itself if it still lets itself go physically as a human being on earth. Then his spirit is not right either. By no means!
But the human being on earth usually thinks otherwise; that is why there are many people who remain very careless about themselves and in their social intercourse, who even take their food in such a way that they disturb those sitting around them, because even the simplest sense of beauty is repelled. This is inconsiderate towards the people around them and by no means testify inner maturity or value.
Just in this there are many, indeed very many things that are decisive for many a great thing, also for spiritual ascent! Such things also inhibit people spiritually, not only earthly! It is precisely this that has been given far too little importance up to now. Man simply classified many expressions of spiritual deficiencies under a collective expression “lack of tact” or “tactfulness”.
These things are decisive for many a person’s destiny, they hinder his ascent, both earthly and spiritually. They are not trifles, as one might think, not trivialities, but all are expressions of spiritual deficiencies which remain attached even after the passing over, and which are capable of forcing many a human soul back again to many intermediate incarnations on this earth, thus hindering his ascent, perhaps ultimately preventing it altogether.
Therefore, you humans, form yourselves outwardly according to the Word, keeping pace with your increasing maturity, otherwise you will lack harmony and even with the best volition in the world you can often be pulled back from your ascent!
There is nothing one-sided for the human being. The spirit cannot mature on earth alone without dragging the earthly body along in its development! The good-natured man who still lets himself go carelessly on earth shows that his spirit cannot at the same time be considered good; for to be good is as much as to be spiritually mature for the lighter regions. But this is not possible without physical striving to keep pace with the spirit.
And this is possible for every social class without distinction, even for the simplest person; for it requires nothing other than the good will and the determination to force oneself to do it. It demands neither time nor money, nor anything else; for it can happen anywhere and at any time. It can happen anywhere and at any time, at work, at meals, at rest, in amusements and diversions. There is not a moment in life when it cannot be done.
Therefore, let your outward conduct now bear witness to the spirit which in reality has long been thirsting for it!
He who does not trouble himself in this will find those who are like him in this and therefore have the same vibration with him, which he does not disturb. In this way, a kind of harmony is also created in this kind, they can climb upwards more easily, because no resentment holds them down, which they otherwise produce in others through their careless conduct.
Then, when you have fulfilled all this, you will be able to appear before the seekers, you let yourself be seen! Then you will be what the questioners expect of you! You are helping people who are striving for the Light of Truth, who are longing for It! You are giving them a great deal, for your appearance is the first thing they notice and judge about you.
People see only your outward appearance first! The clothes, your whole appearance, how you present yourself in communication. That is why you should change your appearance in order to fulfil the Word in it as well. It is the bridge for people over which they must pass in order to reach your souls and the treasure of the spirit which you want to offer!
And when people then want to open their souls before you, just do not shower them with your knowledge, you Called Ones! People want the Holy Word, not your knowledge! Remember this.
You have been richly endowed with much knowledge to work in. It was given to you to use it in your service, not to give it to people as knowledge! The knowledge is to facilitate your service, only to be used by you for the benefit of humanity, but not to be left to men. Such attempts must take revenge on yourselves and prove to be wrong, because people would not know what to do with it.
Fragmented, they would seek to use the high gifts only for their own purposes, as has always been their way, and that is not wanted.
Hallowed be the abilities that have been given to you for use in the service of the Grail! Therein lies all that I have to say to you. In the partial knowledge would only again arise new calamity, new evil for mankind.
Therefore, work only in your knowledge, your ability, but do not teach it! This is the condition that I give to the Called Ones to take with them on the path of their work. If you observe it, you will bring blessings, but if you do not observe it you will sow disaster, first of all for yourselves, and then also for others.
If a Called One use the abilities given to him correctly, quietly and faithfully in his work, then people will rejoice, quickly recognize all blessings and gratefully enjoy them. But if he wants to explain his knowledge to others, even if it is only for his own pleasure or out of satisfaction, they will not understand him, and in their lack of understanding they will also doubt his ability and turn away from him! Speak to the people through your work, you who are called!
But never forget that you have received your abilities as a gift, that everything you are able to do is by God’s Grace and that you are allowed to do it!
What you need on earth will always flow to you, if you strive for it. But never dare to use these gifts in selfish thoughts of your intellect, that is, other than for the service of the Holy Grail! According to the Law of the Grail, it would then become a curse instead of a blessing. You are blessed that you may give! Take this as the basis of your future work.
Think of it every moment and do not let your intellect lay any snares for you. Remain firm and free in your endeavours, faithful in service, then humanity’s thanks will one day gladly accompany you to luminous heights, where Gods Love awaits you, who have shown yourselves to be faithful servants in the vineyard of the Lord!

Go forth, proclaim and explain the Word in the Light of Truth to all people who long for it, and be an example to them always, so that the Kingdom of God may now also come to this earth!