Volume 48:
Christmas sounds resonate admonishingly through the Universe
This time the Christmas bells ring the beginning of the end of a world era! Humanity lets the sounds take effect on them in comfort at the thought that they announce the existence of their Saviour, Who once came to earth and fought for them, suffered for them, and died for them.
They hear a consolation from these sounds, an inner satisfaction to which they seek to surrender, because they believe faith rests in it.
But all this is nothing more than a state of twilight of human spiritual inertia, which wants to let it slumber over into spiritual death, which erases it from this Creation as useless.
And many of the inhabitants of earth are already slumbering! Others are driven by need. They cannot find joy in the sounds that put the earthly satiated into a state of blissful satisfaction. For them, this ringing means new worries, new grief, and new resentment against the fate that seems to neglect and torment them so unjustly. At the same time, the bitterness in them slowly rises high against their fellow human beings who, in their opinion, have it better than they do.
There are also many who, lying in sickness, are in disagreement with that inevitability of Providence which deprived them of the pure joy of the festivity.
And others, stuck in work, think of nothing at all, at most of the profit they strive to get from their work.
Not one among all the people hears in this ringing that anxious sound that resonates in it, which Essential Beings trembling with fear seek to send out with it as the last warning of the ominous storm! They announce the abrupt end of a world era!
But people hear nothing of it, they are too busy with themselves. They have no time for anything else, least of all for deepening inner awareness, which is so urgently needed in these hours. So they remain closed to the danger and pay no attention to the approaching waves, whose crushing force the beings already sense.
When the great woe comes upon this earth, there is no stopping and no turning back. The end must be savoured, no matter how bitter it tastes.
Listen to the sound of the bells and realize what it wants to tell you this time! There is something in it that never was before. However, you have forgotten to hear something from it. You have closed yourselves off from all the weaving in Creation for a long time, and therefore you can no longer hear all the warnings, but stagger heedlessly along the deadly abyss, where every uncertain step can bring you destruction.
You still keep your eyes tightly closed because you can no longer bear the Light, because it blinds you, hurts you, instead of refreshing and strengthening you.
Wretched ones, who therefore can no longer receive the Light, and only the darkness seems pleasant to you; go, gather all your strength and listen within you, around you, until you discover the impending danger; for otherwise it will come upon you quite unexpectedly. But you must hurry, for you have little time to do so.
What’s more, it will it be made easy for you now, because you did not want to listen to God’s warnings, but kept yourselves closed to every admonition from the Light, as soon as it was expected and demanded that you should finally awaken from your spiritually inert being, in order to swing spiritually along with the Law of Movement!
And this is always the demand from the Light, while all enticement of the darkness remain directed towards spiritual comfort. It is not so difficult for you to distinguish if you first have the will to do so. But this is precisely what you lack.
Comfort always remains against the Law of Creation, which carries the Will of God and demands movement; for comfort of the human spirit becomes sloth, which leads to the sleep of death, and thus to failure in Creation and to annihilation. There is not one way that is capable of avoiding these consequences. Business acumen is not spiritual movement.
And that you should absolutely fall prey to these most severe consequences is what the darkness wants. The call from the Light will always demand vitality, for otherwise every human spirit in Creation will be like the swimmer in the river. If it does not hold on to the place it has taken by constant movement, the current will drive it away as soon as it wants to rest, and it must then multiply the effort in order to finally return, very tired, to the same place which it could have easily held with little effort. And with the re-conquest of the old place it has not even gained anything, despite the strong effort.
Make yourself truly spiritually free through a single movement, for once! Then you will find only the great, unspeakable Love of God everywhere you look. You are showered by it and pay no attention to it, like spoiled children who sit discontentedly in front of a crowded table because they no longer have any desire for the delicacies they can eat every day if they want to.
You, too, sit at the table of this Creation and have got into the habit of taking from it unscrupulously! There is, however, a big difference between demanding to take and purely willing to receive.
You have fared far too well in Creation. Your free will has made you earthly people haughty. You have played with it in arrogance and – in the end – you have lost this game! Now you will soon become aware of the value you held in your hands with your free will, which you never considered; above all, you did not think that such a value also imposes duties which lie in the recognition of the responsibility for this great fiefdom.
You have been careless with the right to will, and now it must be taken from you until you prove yourself worthy to receive it anew. Unfortunately, man, in his strange way, is only able to appreciate what he has had to laboriously acquire, or only when what he has been used to for a long time is abruptly taken away from him. Only what is taken away awakens the concept of value in him!
This is also due to the distorted nature of his being, in which he found conceit and in the process completely forgot how to truly receive!
There is something so inestimably great in the ability to receive that you are not yet capable of understanding today, otherwise you would not constantly trample it underfoot with such contempt or leave it unnoticed. Therein lies the real humanity! Consciously receiving the Graces of God is what truly makes a person a human being!
But in so doing, arrogance must be eliminated completely, otherwise there is no true receiving. With conceit in the background it would not be possible. And he who has once learnt to receive correctly, is also happy give correctly. In this way he fulfils the prevailing fundamental law of pure love, which runs brightly and radiantly, victoriously through Creation: that only in giving lies true receiving!
The process is firmly anchored in every spiritual event, but it also has an effect down into gross matter. Behold the Christmas Festival!
How few people there are who know how to give in the right form, or to give at all! A sign of the spread of boundless superficiality; for thoughtless giving is done superficially, which is only a consequence of spiritual indolence that many people have acquired. It is not surprising then that such giving often brings little joy.
But if you give thoughtfully, with heartfelt understanding, then this giving is also mixed with real joy and with love, which in turn will let you givers be richly blessed in this giving through the joy that you awaken with it, even if it is only a right word at the right time!
But the right giver is strict in his choice. The thought will never occur to him, for example, to offer a frivolous person money as a gift, which he always uses in his own frivolous way, to his own detriment and perhaps to the detriment of others, even if it is only to the detriment of the health of their earthly body, by smoking, drinking or indulging in other debauchery, to which you have then given the occasion by the gift wrongly bestowed.
It is unbelievable what is often sinned by superficiality in giving, which lacks any love. It then clearly shows that the giver is only concerned with quickly getting rid of an annoying custom through fulfilment.
Therefore, give everything you want to give with care and love, for this already lets you feel what is right.
People can most easily recognize their own distortion in how they stand in Creation. If they only look at the earth itself, nothing but the purest love blossoms from it. With the exception of what comes from human beings.
But people are no longer able to receive, but want to oppose all gifts in an arrogant and demanding way with what they have produced for themselves: With money!
They value it far more than all the things they can buy with it in order to enjoy it for themselves and others. They torment themselves for the sake of this money, persecute, fight and deceive each other, slander, steal, rob, murder, not for the sake of the beauty and gifts of this Creation that are offered to them freely and easily, but only for the sake of money, of the possessions it can buy, and also for the sake of the pleasures they can create for themselves with it, pleasures their intellect created for itself!
You will find in all this no urge for a quiet, hard-working earth life of a human being who, in silent gratitude to God, still enjoys the beauty of this Creation! Such a person is smilingly called an eccentric, who has no drive in himself to “higher things”. This higher, however, means everything lower, which lies in the senseless accumulation of earthly goods, only to possess them, in order to provide himself and perhaps those close to him with an even more opulent way of life, which in any case brings great spiritual harm in many respects; for being allowed to have goods obliges one, not only towards earthmen, but also towards the Creator!
Many a person on earth would make better spiritual progress if they could not enjoy their earth life comfortably! As it is in everything, so it shall also be with wealth: in the future it will only remain in the hands of those who know how to handle it in a God-ordained way, who thus lead it to blessing. In such a hand it will constantly increase.
This idol will now be the ruin of earthly people in the final judgment, so that they will recognize this mad chase for what it is: unworthy of humanity that has duties towards its Creator!
If the Holy Word of the Son of God, Jesus, had been properly received by mankind two thousand years ago, everything would have to look different today than it unfortunately does!
Then, as now, man lacks the will to truly receive! He can no longer receive because his arrogance has completely poisoned the necessary ground. And that is why he received the Word distorted from the start. In the meantime, nothing has been improved or made good, but on the contrary, even more has been changed in the human will, which only knows one goal: to interpret everything in such a way that it is most convenient for him and, above all, that it does not worry him in any way.
Man does not think that it was the Word of God and not a word of man, that it therefore must not be interpreted according to human thinking. It came down to earth from above and did not emanate from this earth.
It is difficult for me to say much about this because it is too repugnant to illuminate the constricting rigidity with which the great words of Jesus are still taught today, still interpreted according to humanity’s desires, whereas they were all-encompassing.
The people of the earth, who in their low state of true knowledge of God today, surpass many things today which they themselves look upon with disgust when they find similar things recorded in the distant past of the earthly peoples, but only in a different form, have formed distorted images out of the great meaning of the Words of Christ, which correspond exactly to their spiritual laziness and their inclination for earthly possessions and earthly influence; yes, they support it and make its fulfilment extraordinarily easy. Many a wonderful meaning of the Words of Christ has been distorted in this direction.
The Divine Judgment will now soon speak in this, better, more clearly than earthly words are able to do, and only what was and is really genuine will still remain of what exists. –
Thus the great sacrifice of love that Jesus made when the Star of Bethlehem announced His birth on earth to humanity was completely in vain. At that time, people were already no longer able to truly receive this incomprehensible Gift of God's Love in pure humility, for their conceit was already too great!
Yes, people are spoiled! They therefore no longer see the great Love of God in the overabundance of all the gifts they are allowed to receive, but in their presumption they become either imperious or stubborn. In both cases they spoil for themselves the joys they could feel, because they thereby poison in themselves every pure pleasure that only true receiving can offer.
The consequence of this is faint-heartedness as soon as they can no longer draw from the abundance. They then feel anxious because they do not have the trust in God in the right sense, as is necessary for someone who wants to face storms courageously! He is not a full-fledged captain, if he has not yet been able to lead his ship through heavy storms.
In trusting God, if you look at it rightly, lies obeying God! And man has already completely forgotten how to obey God. In his delusion he believes he is the ruler of this earth. In this he does not realize that he has only become a very bad distorted image of a true ruler, just as he everywhere, under the pressure of the intellect, created narrow distorted images instead of what he should create.
Thus he did not become a wise ruler in Creation, but an ignorant, self-willed despot, *(tyrant, oppressor) against whom now everything rebels that vibrates and wants to vibrate rightly in the Will of God.
Bossy and stubborn! These are the characteristics of the people who have risen above the spiritually inert masses who are plodding along. Among these spiritually indolent people there are, of course, very intelligent ones, since intellect and spirit are not to be regarded as the same thing. There are very active intelligent people who are nevertheless spiritually dormant, or whose spirit is firmly walled in, cramped in the heaviest form.
On the other hand, there are spiritually strong people who are extremely valuable for and in Creation without their fellowman noticing anything of it in a gross material sense. This is because people do not regard all the indirect, rich fruits of such wonderful emanations as consequences of the spiritual nature of such people, whom they do not value very highly on earth, because they have not distinguished themselves through intellectual activity.
The human being of today does not appreciate what is truly higher because he no longer knows it. And yet spirit would get along very well with intellect, indeed, co-operation should be on earth, if the human being wants to achieve great things in an immediate visible consequence, in gross matter. But the spirit must thereby stand above the intellect and guide it.
Then the spiritual goodness will pulse freshly and warm all actions of the earthly intellect, whereby even punishments with the greatest severity contain love within them. Love that sees in every punishment only the way to help, as it alone is right according to God’s All-Wise Laws! Punishment must not be regarded as something that is only intended to compensate for some fault in an equivalent way. You will find nothing in the whole of Creation so one-sidedly designed and thought of, except the thinking and acting which the human spirit created for itself!
From this you must immediately recognize that you do not think and act according to God’s Will, but are forced to change completely in this respect too, if there is to be any talk at all of a Kingdom of God on earth!
Much work lies ahead of you, but first of all the great work on yourselves before a structure can be built according to God’s Will, which carries blessings and the fortitude to exist, for which you are to provide the foundation as a firm earthly support.
I know you are ready to do the utmost for it! You would joyfully work day and night without tiring, you would also gladly make all the sacrifices possible to you, with the willingness of truly good people that you are, but to work on yourselves, in yourselves first, is bitterly difficult for you! It is difficult for you because your whole thinking has not been geared towards it.
You want to do everything, you try to do everything, but time and again you slip back into the old habits of human behaviour that have been with you for thousands of years and still weigh on you today.
But you who have received my Message, you are close to it, you are already in the awakening, and it only needs a little jolt in you to free you for what is great.
And this jerk, which is decisive and so easy, you are not able to do! You are like a very small child who has a chalk line drawn in front of it which it does not want to cross because it thinks it cannot! And nothing more than such a chalk line lies before you as an obstacle. A chalk line that only misleads you, but which can never become the smallest obstacle if this hesitation does not come from you, because you are too timid to take this so necessary step.
But you must do it, and you already have the power within you! The key to it is only the strange and yet so simple secret of the true ability to receive, which only blossoms out of true humility.
You do not need to learn the slightest thing, but only to clear away what you have attached to you, old and used-up things hanging on you or blocking the way before you.
Become new in yourselves, you who want to follow me, then your surroundings will also form anew in the compulsion that emanates from you and radiates through you! For only in your newness will you form a pure passage for the Divine Power that has been flowing through you for a long time.
It is a small, only a very small step that you still have to take, but it is unavoidable and so important that it changes your whole thinking and strengthens it to the most wonderful effects!
God is waiting for you! And in His Mercy He waits, so that you do not have not collapse in the hour of your need!
A firm, unshakeable foundation must be created this time for a new era! A foundation that shines purely, crystal-clearly over all people. It must not be able to be flattened and bent again, as once happened when Christ Jesus came to earth and His so great sacrifice of Love did not find the ground among humanity that could be capable of receiving this Gift of God in purity!
Take today's commemoration of the birth of the Son of God Jesus on earth as an occasion to take that last step which is still necessary for you, for which you have long since lifted up your foot. Give yourselves the jolt and walk courageously. It is not difficult, and you will always remember it with gratitude.
Pray to God that this Festival may now also become the day of your renewal to your great turning point!
They hear a consolation from these sounds, an inner satisfaction to which they seek to surrender, because they believe faith rests in it.
But all this is nothing more than a state of twilight of human spiritual inertia, which wants to let it slumber over into spiritual death, which erases it from this Creation as useless.
And many of the inhabitants of earth are already slumbering! Others are driven by need. They cannot find joy in the sounds that put the earthly satiated into a state of blissful satisfaction. For them, this ringing means new worries, new grief, and new resentment against the fate that seems to neglect and torment them so unjustly. At the same time, the bitterness in them slowly rises high against their fellow human beings who, in their opinion, have it better than they do.
There are also many who, lying in sickness, are in disagreement with that inevitability of Providence which deprived them of the pure joy of the festivity.
And others, stuck in work, think of nothing at all, at most of the profit they strive to get from their work.
Not one among all the people hears in this ringing that anxious sound that resonates in it, which Essential Beings trembling with fear seek to send out with it as the last warning of the ominous storm! They announce the abrupt end of a world era!
But people hear nothing of it, they are too busy with themselves. They have no time for anything else, least of all for deepening inner awareness, which is so urgently needed in these hours. So they remain closed to the danger and pay no attention to the approaching waves, whose crushing force the beings already sense.
When the great woe comes upon this earth, there is no stopping and no turning back. The end must be savoured, no matter how bitter it tastes.
Listen to the sound of the bells and realize what it wants to tell you this time! There is something in it that never was before. However, you have forgotten to hear something from it. You have closed yourselves off from all the weaving in Creation for a long time, and therefore you can no longer hear all the warnings, but stagger heedlessly along the deadly abyss, where every uncertain step can bring you destruction.
You still keep your eyes tightly closed because you can no longer bear the Light, because it blinds you, hurts you, instead of refreshing and strengthening you.
Wretched ones, who therefore can no longer receive the Light, and only the darkness seems pleasant to you; go, gather all your strength and listen within you, around you, until you discover the impending danger; for otherwise it will come upon you quite unexpectedly. But you must hurry, for you have little time to do so.
What’s more, it will it be made easy for you now, because you did not want to listen to God’s warnings, but kept yourselves closed to every admonition from the Light, as soon as it was expected and demanded that you should finally awaken from your spiritually inert being, in order to swing spiritually along with the Law of Movement!
And this is always the demand from the Light, while all enticement of the darkness remain directed towards spiritual comfort. It is not so difficult for you to distinguish if you first have the will to do so. But this is precisely what you lack.
Comfort always remains against the Law of Creation, which carries the Will of God and demands movement; for comfort of the human spirit becomes sloth, which leads to the sleep of death, and thus to failure in Creation and to annihilation. There is not one way that is capable of avoiding these consequences. Business acumen is not spiritual movement.
And that you should absolutely fall prey to these most severe consequences is what the darkness wants. The call from the Light will always demand vitality, for otherwise every human spirit in Creation will be like the swimmer in the river. If it does not hold on to the place it has taken by constant movement, the current will drive it away as soon as it wants to rest, and it must then multiply the effort in order to finally return, very tired, to the same place which it could have easily held with little effort. And with the re-conquest of the old place it has not even gained anything, despite the strong effort.
Make yourself truly spiritually free through a single movement, for once! Then you will find only the great, unspeakable Love of God everywhere you look. You are showered by it and pay no attention to it, like spoiled children who sit discontentedly in front of a crowded table because they no longer have any desire for the delicacies they can eat every day if they want to.
You, too, sit at the table of this Creation and have got into the habit of taking from it unscrupulously! There is, however, a big difference between demanding to take and purely willing to receive.
You have fared far too well in Creation. Your free will has made you earthly people haughty. You have played with it in arrogance and – in the end – you have lost this game! Now you will soon become aware of the value you held in your hands with your free will, which you never considered; above all, you did not think that such a value also imposes duties which lie in the recognition of the responsibility for this great fiefdom.
You have been careless with the right to will, and now it must be taken from you until you prove yourself worthy to receive it anew. Unfortunately, man, in his strange way, is only able to appreciate what he has had to laboriously acquire, or only when what he has been used to for a long time is abruptly taken away from him. Only what is taken away awakens the concept of value in him!
This is also due to the distorted nature of his being, in which he found conceit and in the process completely forgot how to truly receive!
There is something so inestimably great in the ability to receive that you are not yet capable of understanding today, otherwise you would not constantly trample it underfoot with such contempt or leave it unnoticed. Therein lies the real humanity! Consciously receiving the Graces of God is what truly makes a person a human being!
But in so doing, arrogance must be eliminated completely, otherwise there is no true receiving. With conceit in the background it would not be possible. And he who has once learnt to receive correctly, is also happy give correctly. In this way he fulfils the prevailing fundamental law of pure love, which runs brightly and radiantly, victoriously through Creation: that only in giving lies true receiving!
The process is firmly anchored in every spiritual event, but it also has an effect down into gross matter. Behold the Christmas Festival!
How few people there are who know how to give in the right form, or to give at all! A sign of the spread of boundless superficiality; for thoughtless giving is done superficially, which is only a consequence of spiritual indolence that many people have acquired. It is not surprising then that such giving often brings little joy.
But if you give thoughtfully, with heartfelt understanding, then this giving is also mixed with real joy and with love, which in turn will let you givers be richly blessed in this giving through the joy that you awaken with it, even if it is only a right word at the right time!
But the right giver is strict in his choice. The thought will never occur to him, for example, to offer a frivolous person money as a gift, which he always uses in his own frivolous way, to his own detriment and perhaps to the detriment of others, even if it is only to the detriment of the health of their earthly body, by smoking, drinking or indulging in other debauchery, to which you have then given the occasion by the gift wrongly bestowed.
It is unbelievable what is often sinned by superficiality in giving, which lacks any love. It then clearly shows that the giver is only concerned with quickly getting rid of an annoying custom through fulfilment.
Therefore, give everything you want to give with care and love, for this already lets you feel what is right.
People can most easily recognize their own distortion in how they stand in Creation. If they only look at the earth itself, nothing but the purest love blossoms from it. With the exception of what comes from human beings.
But people are no longer able to receive, but want to oppose all gifts in an arrogant and demanding way with what they have produced for themselves: With money!
They value it far more than all the things they can buy with it in order to enjoy it for themselves and others. They torment themselves for the sake of this money, persecute, fight and deceive each other, slander, steal, rob, murder, not for the sake of the beauty and gifts of this Creation that are offered to them freely and easily, but only for the sake of money, of the possessions it can buy, and also for the sake of the pleasures they can create for themselves with it, pleasures their intellect created for itself!
You will find in all this no urge for a quiet, hard-working earth life of a human being who, in silent gratitude to God, still enjoys the beauty of this Creation! Such a person is smilingly called an eccentric, who has no drive in himself to “higher things”. This higher, however, means everything lower, which lies in the senseless accumulation of earthly goods, only to possess them, in order to provide himself and perhaps those close to him with an even more opulent way of life, which in any case brings great spiritual harm in many respects; for being allowed to have goods obliges one, not only towards earthmen, but also towards the Creator!
Many a person on earth would make better spiritual progress if they could not enjoy their earth life comfortably! As it is in everything, so it shall also be with wealth: in the future it will only remain in the hands of those who know how to handle it in a God-ordained way, who thus lead it to blessing. In such a hand it will constantly increase.
This idol will now be the ruin of earthly people in the final judgment, so that they will recognize this mad chase for what it is: unworthy of humanity that has duties towards its Creator!
If the Holy Word of the Son of God, Jesus, had been properly received by mankind two thousand years ago, everything would have to look different today than it unfortunately does!
Then, as now, man lacks the will to truly receive! He can no longer receive because his arrogance has completely poisoned the necessary ground. And that is why he received the Word distorted from the start. In the meantime, nothing has been improved or made good, but on the contrary, even more has been changed in the human will, which only knows one goal: to interpret everything in such a way that it is most convenient for him and, above all, that it does not worry him in any way.
Man does not think that it was the Word of God and not a word of man, that it therefore must not be interpreted according to human thinking. It came down to earth from above and did not emanate from this earth.
It is difficult for me to say much about this because it is too repugnant to illuminate the constricting rigidity with which the great words of Jesus are still taught today, still interpreted according to humanity’s desires, whereas they were all-encompassing.
The people of the earth, who in their low state of true knowledge of God today, surpass many things today which they themselves look upon with disgust when they find similar things recorded in the distant past of the earthly peoples, but only in a different form, have formed distorted images out of the great meaning of the Words of Christ, which correspond exactly to their spiritual laziness and their inclination for earthly possessions and earthly influence; yes, they support it and make its fulfilment extraordinarily easy. Many a wonderful meaning of the Words of Christ has been distorted in this direction.
The Divine Judgment will now soon speak in this, better, more clearly than earthly words are able to do, and only what was and is really genuine will still remain of what exists. –
Thus the great sacrifice of love that Jesus made when the Star of Bethlehem announced His birth on earth to humanity was completely in vain. At that time, people were already no longer able to truly receive this incomprehensible Gift of God's Love in pure humility, for their conceit was already too great!
Yes, people are spoiled! They therefore no longer see the great Love of God in the overabundance of all the gifts they are allowed to receive, but in their presumption they become either imperious or stubborn. In both cases they spoil for themselves the joys they could feel, because they thereby poison in themselves every pure pleasure that only true receiving can offer.
The consequence of this is faint-heartedness as soon as they can no longer draw from the abundance. They then feel anxious because they do not have the trust in God in the right sense, as is necessary for someone who wants to face storms courageously! He is not a full-fledged captain, if he has not yet been able to lead his ship through heavy storms.
In trusting God, if you look at it rightly, lies obeying God! And man has already completely forgotten how to obey God. In his delusion he believes he is the ruler of this earth. In this he does not realize that he has only become a very bad distorted image of a true ruler, just as he everywhere, under the pressure of the intellect, created narrow distorted images instead of what he should create.
Thus he did not become a wise ruler in Creation, but an ignorant, self-willed despot, *(tyrant, oppressor) against whom now everything rebels that vibrates and wants to vibrate rightly in the Will of God.
Bossy and stubborn! These are the characteristics of the people who have risen above the spiritually inert masses who are plodding along. Among these spiritually indolent people there are, of course, very intelligent ones, since intellect and spirit are not to be regarded as the same thing. There are very active intelligent people who are nevertheless spiritually dormant, or whose spirit is firmly walled in, cramped in the heaviest form.
On the other hand, there are spiritually strong people who are extremely valuable for and in Creation without their fellowman noticing anything of it in a gross material sense. This is because people do not regard all the indirect, rich fruits of such wonderful emanations as consequences of the spiritual nature of such people, whom they do not value very highly on earth, because they have not distinguished themselves through intellectual activity.
The human being of today does not appreciate what is truly higher because he no longer knows it. And yet spirit would get along very well with intellect, indeed, co-operation should be on earth, if the human being wants to achieve great things in an immediate visible consequence, in gross matter. But the spirit must thereby stand above the intellect and guide it.
Then the spiritual goodness will pulse freshly and warm all actions of the earthly intellect, whereby even punishments with the greatest severity contain love within them. Love that sees in every punishment only the way to help, as it alone is right according to God’s All-Wise Laws! Punishment must not be regarded as something that is only intended to compensate for some fault in an equivalent way. You will find nothing in the whole of Creation so one-sidedly designed and thought of, except the thinking and acting which the human spirit created for itself!
From this you must immediately recognize that you do not think and act according to God’s Will, but are forced to change completely in this respect too, if there is to be any talk at all of a Kingdom of God on earth!
Much work lies ahead of you, but first of all the great work on yourselves before a structure can be built according to God’s Will, which carries blessings and the fortitude to exist, for which you are to provide the foundation as a firm earthly support.
I know you are ready to do the utmost for it! You would joyfully work day and night without tiring, you would also gladly make all the sacrifices possible to you, with the willingness of truly good people that you are, but to work on yourselves, in yourselves first, is bitterly difficult for you! It is difficult for you because your whole thinking has not been geared towards it.
You want to do everything, you try to do everything, but time and again you slip back into the old habits of human behaviour that have been with you for thousands of years and still weigh on you today.
But you who have received my Message, you are close to it, you are already in the awakening, and it only needs a little jolt in you to free you for what is great.
And this jerk, which is decisive and so easy, you are not able to do! You are like a very small child who has a chalk line drawn in front of it which it does not want to cross because it thinks it cannot! And nothing more than such a chalk line lies before you as an obstacle. A chalk line that only misleads you, but which can never become the smallest obstacle if this hesitation does not come from you, because you are too timid to take this so necessary step.
But you must do it, and you already have the power within you! The key to it is only the strange and yet so simple secret of the true ability to receive, which only blossoms out of true humility.
You do not need to learn the slightest thing, but only to clear away what you have attached to you, old and used-up things hanging on you or blocking the way before you.
Become new in yourselves, you who want to follow me, then your surroundings will also form anew in the compulsion that emanates from you and radiates through you! For only in your newness will you form a pure passage for the Divine Power that has been flowing through you for a long time.
It is a small, only a very small step that you still have to take, but it is unavoidable and so important that it changes your whole thinking and strengthens it to the most wonderful effects!
God is waiting for you! And in His Mercy He waits, so that you do not have not collapse in the hour of your need!
A firm, unshakeable foundation must be created this time for a new era! A foundation that shines purely, crystal-clearly over all people. It must not be able to be flattened and bent again, as once happened when Christ Jesus came to earth and His so great sacrifice of Love did not find the ground among humanity that could be capable of receiving this Gift of God in purity!
Take today's commemoration of the birth of the Son of God Jesus on earth as an occasion to take that last step which is still necessary for you, for which you have long since lifted up your foot. Give yourselves the jolt and walk courageously. It is not difficult, and you will always remember it with gratitude.
Pray to God that this Festival may now also become the day of your renewal to your great turning point!