Volume 40:
Whosoever therefore will not know my word for the sake of another, him will I not know in the hour of his need!
Who now does not want to know my word! This sentence is not meant to be a warning, but a blow. A blow that is sharply directed against all the laziness and comfort of human spirits, against their arrogance and desire to know better.
But what lies in this not wanting to know is far-reaching. It is not only the rejection, the wanting to know better, but also the lukewarmness, inertia or timidity for some reason. And whoever has already accepted the Word and does not seek to bring it to life in himself with all his might, dreams idly and limply in the delusion of secure possession of my Word, as so many faithful church believers make a pernicious habit of doing, is hit with the same undiminished force.
And when it says: “For the sake of another!” there is more in it, much more, than any superficial reader or listener would want to take from it. After all, the short words encompass all human weaknesses, of which there are not a few.
Even the dearest vanity makes some people suppress the confession of the word at the given moment. He is afraid of exposing himself or provoking the ridicule of the person next to him. It would be embarrassing for him to see even a smile on someone else’s lips.
In cowardice, he then inwardly excuses himself with the reassurance that the word is “too sacred” for him to expose it to ridicule.
This is quite a good sedative for weaklings; but it is wrong in all cases where a question is raised about it. Skilful evasion of an answer or evasion of a question is tantamount to denial. The strong man will always give a serious, calm, but definite answer, and such an answer will never be ridiculed, because there is help of the Light in it, which suppresses mockery.
If an attacking questioner still does not leave one in peace, he can be briefly and sharply rejected without one’s own conviction being denied or fearfully suppressed.
With the words “for the sake of another” not only another person is meant, but also an “other”! So also some thing.
The Holy Word, then, must not be denied out of consideration for another person, whether out of love or fear, nor must it be neglected out of convenience, or for the sake of professional and everyday work, in the delusion that one must have one’s rest after work, or that rest is more necessary than laborious study, or that worries about daily bread do not permit the opening of the soul necessary for the Word.
All this then is “Not wanting to know the word for the sake of another!”
Now the time has come for frank, courageous confession! Confession in response to direct questions. The word is not to be carried to those who do not ask for it! This provision remains, because it belongs to the sighting of men.
The fact that the Holy Word must never be advertised, that it should not be offered and should not be carried, achieves that through it each individual has to show whether he really has a longing for the truth within himself.
Where such a longing really exists inwardly, and where it is not clouded or suppressed by the intellectuality of wanting to know better, spiritual help will intervene so strongly that he will definitely come into contact with my words at the right time for him and thus be given the opportunity to make the final decision about his own path.
But those who no longer carry such longing are already judged!
It is a self-acting working of the Law which now advances inexorably also on earth.
For every human being on earth, therefore, the hour of need comes when he is in great need of the Word!
I and the Word are one! Therefore, whoever knows my Word also knows me. A bodily seeing is not necessary here; for he has thereby received spiritual connections with me, no matter whether he is aware of it or not. The person who has received my Word has thereby also received me, is connected with me.
But he who is connected in this way cannot be drawn away from the darkness. The darkness cannot drag him down with it into the regions of decomposition, where it itself is now being pushed by the pressure of the light!
This decisive moment for every human spirit becomes for him the hour of his need!
If he does not live firmly in the Word, the thread that holds him securely cannot be tied, his spirit remains free to wander, if it does not even link itself with the darkness and sink with it into the horror. Even the usually helpful spirits have to stand idly by in these cases.
But if a spirit remains free, if it has not anchored itself in the Word, then the descending darkness sweeps it away, because the light does not hold it and because no spirit can continue to hover undecidedly in lukewarmness and remain wandering. Either upwards towards the Light or downwards into the darkness! The time of hesitant waiting and weighing is now over.
“Him will I not know in the hour of his need!” is thus also a severe sentence in the whole of creation.
It is a pity that people pass by even these serious things bluntly and in their inertia do not recognize everything until they have to. But then it is too late. But even in this deadly inertia lie only the effects of the free will of all mankind, which has hitherto been so sacrilegiously used, forcing itself into such dullness. –
All human beings stand in the law like every creature; they are embraced and permeated by the Law, and in the Law, through the Law, they also came into being. They live in it, and in their free will they weave their own destiny, their own ways.
These self-woven paths also lead them unerringly during incarnations here on earth to those parents whom they absolutely need for their childhood. In this way they also enter into the relationships that are useful to them, because they thereby receive precisely that which ripens for them as the fruit of the threads of their own will.
In the resulting experience they also continue to mature; for if the previous willing was bad, the fruits which they must come to know in the process will also be quite corresponding. At the same time, this event with its irrevocable final consequences is also the perpetual fulfilment of the once cherished desires which always lie dormant in every will, which indeed form the mainspring of every will. Only such fruits often come one earthly life later, but they are never absent.
In these conclusions lie at the same time the detachment of all that man has formed up to this time, be it good or evil. As soon as he learns the lessons and comes to the knowledge of himself, he has the unconditional possibility of ascent at every moment and from every situation in life, for nothing is so difficult that it cannot be changed by the earnest will to do good.
Thus it works with constant movement without interruption in the whole of Creation, and the human spirit, like every creature, is constantly weaving its destiny, the nature of its path, in the threads of the Law. Every stirring of his spirit, every wavering of his soul, every action of his body, every word unconsciously and automatically weaves for him ever new threads to the previous ones, together, with each other, in confusion. It forms and forms, even forms in advance the earthly name which it must bear in its next earthly existence, and which it will inevitably bear, since the threads of its own fabric lead it safely, unwaveringly there!
This is why every earthly name is subject to the Law. It is never accidental, never without the bearer himself having given the basis for it beforehand, since every soul, at the time of incarnation, runs on the threads of its own weaving, as if on rails, inexorably to where it exactly belongs according to the original Law of Creation.
In the end, the threads tighten more and more in increasing material condensation where the radiations of the coarse ethereal matter touch closely with the radiations of the fine gross matter and the hands reach out for a magnet-like firm joining together for the time of a new earthly being.
The existence on earth lasts until the original strength of the soul’s radiations is changed by some kind of triggering in earthly life, and at the same time the magnetic force of attraction is directed more upwards than downwards to the gross matter, whereby the separation of the ethereal matter of the soul from the gross material body is the result of the Law, since a real fusion has never taken place, but only a connection which has been held magnetically by a very definite strength of the degree of warmth of the reciprocal radiations.
Thus it also happens that the soul must separate from a body destroyed by violence or from a body shattered by illness or weakened by age at the moment when the latter, through its changed condition, can no longer generate the strength of radiation which produces such a magnetic attraction as is necessary to contribute its part to the firm union of soul and body!
This results in the death of the earth, or the falling back, the falling away of the gross material body from the ethereal cover of the spirit, thus the separation. A process that takes place according to fixed laws between two species that can only join together at a precisely corresponding degree of warmth through the radiation produced in the process, but never merge, and which fall away from each other again when one of the two different species can no longer fulfil the condition given to it.
Even during the sleep of the gross material body there is a loosening of the firm connection of the soul, because the body in sleep gives another radiation which does not hold so firmly as the one conditioned for the firm connection. But since this is still the basis, there is only a loosening, not a separation. This loosening is immediately cancelled with every awakening.
But if a man, for example, only inclines towards the gross material, as the proud realists or materialists do, it goes hand in hand with this that their soul, in this urge, produces a particularly strong radiation inclining towards the gross material. This process results in a very severe earthly death, for the soul tries to cling to the gross material body one-sidedly, and thus a state occurs which is called a severe death struggle. The type of radiation is therefore decisive for much, indeed for everything in Creation. All the processes in it can be explained.
I have already explained in my lecture on the secret of birth how a soul comes to its particular physical body. The threads with the future parents have been woven through their homogeneity, which at first had an attractive effect, more and more, until at a certain maturity the threads with the growing body joined and linked together, which then force a soul to incarnate.
And the parents also already bear the name they acquired through the way they wove the threads for themselves. Therefore the
same name must also be suitable for the approaching soul of the same kind which must incarnate. Even the first names of the new earthly human being will then, in spite of apparent deliberation, always be given only in a way that will correspond to the same species, because thinking and deliberation always only nestle to the certain kind. The species is always to be recognized exactly in thinking, and therefore also in the thought-forms, in spite of the thousandfold differences, the species to which they belong are to be clearly and sharply distinguished. I have already spoken about this once in the explanations about thought forms.
The species is fundamental to everything. Accordingly, even with the greatest pondering over the names of a christened infant, they will always be chosen in such a way that these names correspond to the law which the species conditions or deserves, because the human being cannot do otherwise, since he stands in the Laws which act upon him according to his species.
All this, nevertheless, never excludes free will; for every human species is in reality only a fruit of his own and actual will which he carries within himself.
It is only quite a reprehensible excuse if he tries to pretend that he does not have the freedom of his will under the compulsion of the Laws of Creation. What he must experience in himself under the compulsion of these Laws are all the fruits of his own will, which preceded them and laid the threads beforehand, which then allowed the fruits to ripen accordingly.
So now every human being on earth also bears exactly the name he acquired. Therefore, he is not only called what the name says, he is not only called that, but he is that. Man is what his name says!
There are no coincidences in it. In one way or another, it comes to the prescribed connection; for the threads remain unbreakable for men; until they are worn away by the human spirits which affect them, which cling to them.
This is a knowledge that humanity does not yet know today and about which it therefore very probably still smiles, as with everything that it cannot yet comprehend itself. But this humanity also does not know the Laws of God, which have been firmly hewn in Creation since the very beginning, to which it owes its very existence, which also have an effect on man every single second, which are his helpers as well as his judges in everything he does and thinks, without which he would not be able to take a breath! And he does not know all this!
Therefore it is not surprising that he does not want to recognize many things as immutable consequences of these Laws, but tries to sneer at them. But precisely in what man ought to know, ought to know, he is utterly inexperienced or, to put it bluntly, more stupid than any other creature in this Creation, which simply swings in it with its whole life. And it is only out of this stupidity that he laughs at everything that is incomprehensible to him. The mocking and laughing is precisely the proof and also the admission of his ignorance, of which he will soon be ashamed, after despair has broken over him through his ignorance.
Only despair can still manage to shatter the hard shells that now enclose people and keep them so constricted.
Therefore, I do not need to tell you with what feelings I received the enmities that people have already spewed against me. You can imagine what I see before me in the consequences of the Law, when so many want to judge my message or ridicule it, and when they look upon you, who seek to follow me, as going astray. Each one of them must now pass the sword of God's Will. He must answer for every word, for every single thought, for nothing will be left for him!
They are now struck with the power which they cannot oppose, before which they are powerless, and which runs through these threads and strikes into them, which they themselves have spun and woven through their will and their doing!
But what lies in this not wanting to know is far-reaching. It is not only the rejection, the wanting to know better, but also the lukewarmness, inertia or timidity for some reason. And whoever has already accepted the Word and does not seek to bring it to life in himself with all his might, dreams idly and limply in the delusion of secure possession of my Word, as so many faithful church believers make a pernicious habit of doing, is hit with the same undiminished force.
And when it says: “For the sake of another!” there is more in it, much more, than any superficial reader or listener would want to take from it. After all, the short words encompass all human weaknesses, of which there are not a few.
Even the dearest vanity makes some people suppress the confession of the word at the given moment. He is afraid of exposing himself or provoking the ridicule of the person next to him. It would be embarrassing for him to see even a smile on someone else’s lips.
In cowardice, he then inwardly excuses himself with the reassurance that the word is “too sacred” for him to expose it to ridicule.
This is quite a good sedative for weaklings; but it is wrong in all cases where a question is raised about it. Skilful evasion of an answer or evasion of a question is tantamount to denial. The strong man will always give a serious, calm, but definite answer, and such an answer will never be ridiculed, because there is help of the Light in it, which suppresses mockery.
If an attacking questioner still does not leave one in peace, he can be briefly and sharply rejected without one’s own conviction being denied or fearfully suppressed.
With the words “for the sake of another” not only another person is meant, but also an “other”! So also some thing.
The Holy Word, then, must not be denied out of consideration for another person, whether out of love or fear, nor must it be neglected out of convenience, or for the sake of professional and everyday work, in the delusion that one must have one’s rest after work, or that rest is more necessary than laborious study, or that worries about daily bread do not permit the opening of the soul necessary for the Word.
All this then is “Not wanting to know the word for the sake of another!”
Now the time has come for frank, courageous confession! Confession in response to direct questions. The word is not to be carried to those who do not ask for it! This provision remains, because it belongs to the sighting of men.
The fact that the Holy Word must never be advertised, that it should not be offered and should not be carried, achieves that through it each individual has to show whether he really has a longing for the truth within himself.
Where such a longing really exists inwardly, and where it is not clouded or suppressed by the intellectuality of wanting to know better, spiritual help will intervene so strongly that he will definitely come into contact with my words at the right time for him and thus be given the opportunity to make the final decision about his own path.
But those who no longer carry such longing are already judged!
It is a self-acting working of the Law which now advances inexorably also on earth.
For every human being on earth, therefore, the hour of need comes when he is in great need of the Word!
I and the Word are one! Therefore, whoever knows my Word also knows me. A bodily seeing is not necessary here; for he has thereby received spiritual connections with me, no matter whether he is aware of it or not. The person who has received my Word has thereby also received me, is connected with me.
But he who is connected in this way cannot be drawn away from the darkness. The darkness cannot drag him down with it into the regions of decomposition, where it itself is now being pushed by the pressure of the light!
This decisive moment for every human spirit becomes for him the hour of his need!
If he does not live firmly in the Word, the thread that holds him securely cannot be tied, his spirit remains free to wander, if it does not even link itself with the darkness and sink with it into the horror. Even the usually helpful spirits have to stand idly by in these cases.
But if a spirit remains free, if it has not anchored itself in the Word, then the descending darkness sweeps it away, because the light does not hold it and because no spirit can continue to hover undecidedly in lukewarmness and remain wandering. Either upwards towards the Light or downwards into the darkness! The time of hesitant waiting and weighing is now over.
“Him will I not know in the hour of his need!” is thus also a severe sentence in the whole of creation.
It is a pity that people pass by even these serious things bluntly and in their inertia do not recognize everything until they have to. But then it is too late. But even in this deadly inertia lie only the effects of the free will of all mankind, which has hitherto been so sacrilegiously used, forcing itself into such dullness. –
All human beings stand in the law like every creature; they are embraced and permeated by the Law, and in the Law, through the Law, they also came into being. They live in it, and in their free will they weave their own destiny, their own ways.
These self-woven paths also lead them unerringly during incarnations here on earth to those parents whom they absolutely need for their childhood. In this way they also enter into the relationships that are useful to them, because they thereby receive precisely that which ripens for them as the fruit of the threads of their own will.
In the resulting experience they also continue to mature; for if the previous willing was bad, the fruits which they must come to know in the process will also be quite corresponding. At the same time, this event with its irrevocable final consequences is also the perpetual fulfilment of the once cherished desires which always lie dormant in every will, which indeed form the mainspring of every will. Only such fruits often come one earthly life later, but they are never absent.
In these conclusions lie at the same time the detachment of all that man has formed up to this time, be it good or evil. As soon as he learns the lessons and comes to the knowledge of himself, he has the unconditional possibility of ascent at every moment and from every situation in life, for nothing is so difficult that it cannot be changed by the earnest will to do good.
Thus it works with constant movement without interruption in the whole of Creation, and the human spirit, like every creature, is constantly weaving its destiny, the nature of its path, in the threads of the Law. Every stirring of his spirit, every wavering of his soul, every action of his body, every word unconsciously and automatically weaves for him ever new threads to the previous ones, together, with each other, in confusion. It forms and forms, even forms in advance the earthly name which it must bear in its next earthly existence, and which it will inevitably bear, since the threads of its own fabric lead it safely, unwaveringly there!
This is why every earthly name is subject to the Law. It is never accidental, never without the bearer himself having given the basis for it beforehand, since every soul, at the time of incarnation, runs on the threads of its own weaving, as if on rails, inexorably to where it exactly belongs according to the original Law of Creation.
In the end, the threads tighten more and more in increasing material condensation where the radiations of the coarse ethereal matter touch closely with the radiations of the fine gross matter and the hands reach out for a magnet-like firm joining together for the time of a new earthly being.
The existence on earth lasts until the original strength of the soul’s radiations is changed by some kind of triggering in earthly life, and at the same time the magnetic force of attraction is directed more upwards than downwards to the gross matter, whereby the separation of the ethereal matter of the soul from the gross material body is the result of the Law, since a real fusion has never taken place, but only a connection which has been held magnetically by a very definite strength of the degree of warmth of the reciprocal radiations.
Thus it also happens that the soul must separate from a body destroyed by violence or from a body shattered by illness or weakened by age at the moment when the latter, through its changed condition, can no longer generate the strength of radiation which produces such a magnetic attraction as is necessary to contribute its part to the firm union of soul and body!
This results in the death of the earth, or the falling back, the falling away of the gross material body from the ethereal cover of the spirit, thus the separation. A process that takes place according to fixed laws between two species that can only join together at a precisely corresponding degree of warmth through the radiation produced in the process, but never merge, and which fall away from each other again when one of the two different species can no longer fulfil the condition given to it.
Even during the sleep of the gross material body there is a loosening of the firm connection of the soul, because the body in sleep gives another radiation which does not hold so firmly as the one conditioned for the firm connection. But since this is still the basis, there is only a loosening, not a separation. This loosening is immediately cancelled with every awakening.
But if a man, for example, only inclines towards the gross material, as the proud realists or materialists do, it goes hand in hand with this that their soul, in this urge, produces a particularly strong radiation inclining towards the gross material. This process results in a very severe earthly death, for the soul tries to cling to the gross material body one-sidedly, and thus a state occurs which is called a severe death struggle. The type of radiation is therefore decisive for much, indeed for everything in Creation. All the processes in it can be explained.
I have already explained in my lecture on the secret of birth how a soul comes to its particular physical body. The threads with the future parents have been woven through their homogeneity, which at first had an attractive effect, more and more, until at a certain maturity the threads with the growing body joined and linked together, which then force a soul to incarnate.
And the parents also already bear the name they acquired through the way they wove the threads for themselves. Therefore the
same name must also be suitable for the approaching soul of the same kind which must incarnate. Even the first names of the new earthly human being will then, in spite of apparent deliberation, always be given only in a way that will correspond to the same species, because thinking and deliberation always only nestle to the certain kind. The species is always to be recognized exactly in thinking, and therefore also in the thought-forms, in spite of the thousandfold differences, the species to which they belong are to be clearly and sharply distinguished. I have already spoken about this once in the explanations about thought forms.
The species is fundamental to everything. Accordingly, even with the greatest pondering over the names of a christened infant, they will always be chosen in such a way that these names correspond to the law which the species conditions or deserves, because the human being cannot do otherwise, since he stands in the Laws which act upon him according to his species.
All this, nevertheless, never excludes free will; for every human species is in reality only a fruit of his own and actual will which he carries within himself.
It is only quite a reprehensible excuse if he tries to pretend that he does not have the freedom of his will under the compulsion of the Laws of Creation. What he must experience in himself under the compulsion of these Laws are all the fruits of his own will, which preceded them and laid the threads beforehand, which then allowed the fruits to ripen accordingly.
So now every human being on earth also bears exactly the name he acquired. Therefore, he is not only called what the name says, he is not only called that, but he is that. Man is what his name says!
There are no coincidences in it. In one way or another, it comes to the prescribed connection; for the threads remain unbreakable for men; until they are worn away by the human spirits which affect them, which cling to them.
This is a knowledge that humanity does not yet know today and about which it therefore very probably still smiles, as with everything that it cannot yet comprehend itself. But this humanity also does not know the Laws of God, which have been firmly hewn in Creation since the very beginning, to which it owes its very existence, which also have an effect on man every single second, which are his helpers as well as his judges in everything he does and thinks, without which he would not be able to take a breath! And he does not know all this!
Therefore it is not surprising that he does not want to recognize many things as immutable consequences of these Laws, but tries to sneer at them. But precisely in what man ought to know, ought to know, he is utterly inexperienced or, to put it bluntly, more stupid than any other creature in this Creation, which simply swings in it with its whole life. And it is only out of this stupidity that he laughs at everything that is incomprehensible to him. The mocking and laughing is precisely the proof and also the admission of his ignorance, of which he will soon be ashamed, after despair has broken over him through his ignorance.
Only despair can still manage to shatter the hard shells that now enclose people and keep them so constricted.
Therefore, I do not need to tell you with what feelings I received the enmities that people have already spewed against me. You can imagine what I see before me in the consequences of the Law, when so many want to judge my message or ridicule it, and when they look upon you, who seek to follow me, as going astray. Each one of them must now pass the sword of God's Will. He must answer for every word, for every single thought, for nothing will be left for him!
They are now struck with the power which they cannot oppose, before which they are powerless, and which runs through these threads and strikes into them, which they themselves have spun and woven through their will and their doing!