Volume 23:

“Movement” – A Law of Creation

Look around you, human beings, and you will see how you should live here on earth! It is not difficult to recognize the Primordial Laws in Creation, if you only make an effort to observe everything around you in the right way.

Movement is a fundamental law in all of Creation, including on earth. Movement in the right way. But it is precisely this law that has been disregarded and misused.

Only through movement could everything take shape, and movement, incessant movement, is therefore also the preservation, the recovery of everything in Creation. Man cannot be regarded as an exception, cannot stand still as the only creature in the midst of the animating movement or go his own way without harm to himself.

The intellectual goal of so many people on earth today is to rest and live comfortably. To spend the last years on earth in comfort is considered by many a human being as the crowning achievement of his activity. But it is poison what he longs for. It is the beginning of his end that he creates with it!
Surely it has happened to you that you can often hear regretfully at deaths: “He was not able to enjoy his rest for a long time. Only a year ago he withdrew into private life!”
Such remarks are made very often. Be it businessmen, civil servants, or officers in the military, no matter, as soon as a person “retires” according to the popular saying, decay and death begin very soon.

Anyone who truly opens his eyes properly to his surroundings will recognize much, he will see that such experiences occur to him remarkably often, and in the end he will also look for a very definite reason in what is happening, will recognize a law in them.

The human being who really rests here on earth, who wants to rest from his activity until the end of his earthly life, will be repelled by the law of the rhythmic movement of this Creation as an overripe fruit, because all the vibrations, the movement around him is much stronger than the movement within him, which has to keep pace. Such a man must then grow weary and fall ill. Only when his own vibration and his wakefulness keep in step with the dominant movement in Creation, only then can he remain healthy, fresh, and happy.

In the saying: Standstill is decline, lies the foreboding of the great law. Movement alone is development and preservation! In everything that is found in Creation. I have already established this in my lecture “Life”!*

He who literally wants to retire here on earth has no goal before him and thus no right to continue to live in this Creation, because he has put an “end” to himself in his wanting! But the swinging of Creation shows no end, has no end! Continuous development in movement is the Law of God’s Will, and this can therefore never be avoided without harm.

You have certainly noticed that people who have to make constant efforts to support themselves on earth are often much healthier and age better than people who have been very well off from their youth, who have been protected and cared for in the most careful way. You have also observed that people who have grown up in prosperity and do everything possible for their bodies to be preserved, and who live comfortably without agitation, that such people bear the outward signs of approaching old age more quickly than those who are not earthly fortunate, who must always fill their days with work!

I point out here as an example the cases of a busy life, where there is no unnecessary exaggeration, where a frantic craving to the accumulation of earthly treasures or to other forms of prominence never really lets the worker rest. He who gives himself up as a slave to such an addiction is always under high tension and thus also has an unharmonious effect on the swingings of Creation. The consequences are the same as for those who swing too slowly. So here, too, the golden middle way for everyone who wants to stand right in this Creation and on earth.

What you do, you human being, do completely! Work during working hours, rest at the necessary time of rest! No mixing.

But the greatest poison against the harmonious fulfilment of your human dream is one-sidedness!

A busy life without a spiritual goal, for example, is of no use to you! The earthly body may then resonate in this Creation, but the spirit stands still! And if the spirit does not move at the same time in the divinely willed swinging of Creation, then the earthly body, which is also oscillating, is not preserved and strengthened by the work, but is worn down, consumed! Because it does not receive the strength from the spirit which it needs through the mediation of the Essentials. The stagnant spirit inhibits all blossoming of the body, which must therefore consume itself in its vibrations, wither and decay, and can no longer renew itself, since the source for this, the vibrations of the spirit, are lacking.

Thus it is of no use if a person who retires from this earthly work regularly takes the appropriate walks to move his body and still undertakes everything earthly possible to keep his body going. He ages quickly, decays, if his spirit does not remain in the same vibration. And the swinging of the spirit is produced solely by some specific goal which moves the spirit.
But a goal of the spirit is not to be sought on earth, but will only be found in the Spiritual Realm, the homogeneous level in this wonderful Creation! In other words, a goal that stands above the earthly, that rises above this earthly life!

The goal must be alive, must be living! Otherwise it has nothing to do with the spirit.

But the man of today no longer knows what is spiritual. He has used intellectual work for it, and calls intellectual work spiritual! This is what finishes him off, brings about his downfall; for he clings to something that remains on earth with the body when he has to step into the Beyond!

Spiritual aim is always something that holds furthering values. You must always recognize it by this! Eternal values, nothing temporary. Therefore, whatever you want to do, whatever you are striving for, first always ask yourself about the values that you will bring and find with it! It is not too difficult if you only really want it!

Nine-tenths of the science of today belongs to the wrong action and useless striving in Creation! Science, as it is now practised, is an obstacle to the ascent of those who are engaged in it, forming stagnation, decline, but never progress leading to ascent. Man cannot unfold his wings in the sciences, which are now called sciences, he can never achieve what he could achieve; for his wings are lamentably truncated, destroyed. Only in simplicity of thought and action lies greatness and unfolds power, for simplicity alone corresponds to the Primordial Laws of Creation!

But man has bound and obstructed himself with his earthly science.

What is the use of a man trying to fill the time of his life on earth with finding out when the creature fly came into existence, how long it is likely to remain on this earth, and many more such questions apparently important to human knowledge. Just ask yourselves whom he really benefits by this! Only his vanity! No one else in the world. For this knowledge has nothing to do with ascension in any form. It gives no advantage to the human being, no upswing! No one has anything to gain from it!

Thus you must seriously examine one thing after another for the actual value it gives you. You will find that all that is happening in it today appears before you like a useless house of cards, for which the earthly time given you for its development is truly too precious to be allowed to sacrifice even one hour for it with impunity! You indulge in vanity and playfulness with it; for it has nothing in it that would really be capable of lifting you up, it is in itself only empty and dead!

Do not think that you can stand before God’s Throne and recite such little titbits of knowledge. Deeds are required of you in Creation! But you are only sounding ore with your false knowledge, whereas being alive and promoting is your task in this Creation. The man who rejoices in every meadow flower, who gratefully turns his gaze to Heaven for it, stands much higher before God than a man who can knowingly dissect it without recognizing the greatness of his Creator in it.

How empty you are within yourselves, pitiful creatures who call themselves human beings. How hollow in your arrogance of knowledge, which can only bring earthly miserable life as the best of its fruits. In this the animal is higher than those who are so knowledgeable; it takes, observes, and acts! But you, in your study, are the sluggards, the indolent ones of this Creation; for what rests in the present knowledge of the intellect is not movement, as this Creation demands of you, in which everything lives.

No altitude record of an aeroplane can lift you only one step! It is of no use to a man if he is the fastest runner or a skilful boxer, a daring driver, or if he knows whether the horse appeared on earth before the fly or after it. Such a volition only strives after something ridiculous, vanity! It brings humanity no blessing, no progress, no benefit to its being in this Creation, but only encourages the waste of its time on earth. Those who pay homage to such things are idlers in this Creation, as are those who can take pleasure in them.

Look around you, human beings! Look at everything to see what your own occupation and that of your fellow men really mean, what value they have! You will find little that is worthy of true humanity! Everything must become new, your God and Lord now demands with God’s Power and God’s Might! So far you have been useless servants in the vineyard of the Lord with your striving! Because you are wasting your time with complete useless gadgetry, draping the high ability that rests in you as a gift from God with unnecessary trinkets of vain, earthly intellect, all of which you have to leave behind you when you pass on.

Awake, that you may create for yourselves a worthy garment of the spirit here on earth, and not have to enter the Beyond destitute as before, where you are given such rich treasures for your earthly occupation! You are like kings who play childishly with the sceptre and imagine that this and the crown are enough to be a king!

What the human being has to investigate is first and foremost only everything that serves him for his ascent and thus also for the advancement of Creation! In everything he does, he must ask himself what advantage it brings to himself and to mankind. One goal must dominate all human beings in the future: To recognize and also fulfil the position he has to occupy in Creation as a human being!

I want to tell you how it goes on in the other parts of Creation and how it must now also become here on earth according to God”s Will!

When a person does a great deed here on earth, he is honoured, if it does not only arouse envy. The fame remains with him until his end, yes, very often beyond, decades and centuries, millennia.

But that is only on earth. A fruit of the wrong view of human beings. It has become the custom in this heavy, gross material mass. Not in the higher, ethereal worlds. There the circling movement is not so ponderous as on earth here. The reciprocal action releases itself more quickly, according to the increasing lightness. The deeds there are also measured according to quite different natural points of view, while human views make many a deed appear great which it is not at all, and do not evaluate many a thing which contains true greatness within itself.

The higher, luminous, lighter the surroundings, the clearer and quicker the reward, the consequences. A human spirit that does good works ascends faster and faster, a really great deed often pulls it up at the same moment. But he cannot then live on it in memory as he does here on this earth, but he must continue to acquire the height anew if he wants to remain there, he must strive to reach higher still all the time! If he stops only once, he will very quickly become overripe in the respective environment, he will rot in it, if one wants to use a gross material image for it.

Man is basically nothing other than a fruit of Creation! He is never the Creation itself, still less the Creator. Every apple carries within itself the ability to enrich this Creation with new apple trees, blossoms and fruits, but it is not the Creator. It is the self-acting course of the Primordial Laws of Creation that gave it the ability and force it to work in such a way, to fulfil its task in this Creation. It always fulfils a task without fail!

Humans or animals may do whatever they want with this apple. Either it serves for reproduction or for the preservation of foreign bodies. There is nothing in this Creation without a task. Even in every decay there is movement, benefit, progress.

So as soon as a human being has ascended, he must keep himself at his height! He cannot and must not rest and think that he has done enough for a time, but he must continue to stir like the bird in the air, which is also forced to move its wings if it wants to keep itself aloft. In everything there is always only the same, simple law! In the finest spiritual as in the coarsest earthly. Without change and without bending. It has an effect and must be observed. In the light, ethereal matter more quickly, in the inert, coarse matter only correspondingly more slowly, but in any case quite certainly!

There is such simplicity in the effect of the Laws of Creation and in the Laws themselves that no university is needed to recognize them correctly. Every human being has the ability to do so, if he only wants to! Every observation is child’s play; it is only made difficult by the arrogance of this mankind, which likes to coin big words for the simplest things and thus clumsily plods about in Creation as in clear water, thereby clouding the original, healthy clarity.

With all his false scholarship, man is the only one of the creatures who fails to fill his place in Creation as a fellow co-vibrating and right doer.

But the Will of God is that man must finally come to his senses and fulfil his task fully in this Creation! If he does not, he will become overripe and decay as the rotten fruit of Creation. The Divine Light, which God now sends into Creation through the Son of Man, works in it like on plants in a greenhouse, which under the increased warmth have to produce blossoms and fruit at an accelerated rate.

In the process this will prove what has moved rightly in the Laws of Creation or what has acted wrongly in them. The fruits will be accordingly. The human being who has toiled with things that can give no reason for his necessary ascent has wasted his time and his strength. He has strayed from the oscillation of Creation and can no longer walk with it, no longer recover in the necessary harmony, because he himself disturbs it.

Therefore, in observation, learn to appreciate the simplicity of the Divine Laws in all their greatness and to use them for your benefit, otherwise they must now smash you as standing in the way of their working. You will be washed away as a harmful hindrance!

Movement is the main commandment for everything that rests in this Creation; for it arose from movement, is maintained in it and is constantly renewed!

As it is in the Beyond, especially in luminous regions, so it must now also become here on earth, brought about by the Power of the Light! The human being who vibrates with the Primordial Laws of Creation will be preserved, but the one who wastes his time in false brooding will now be destroyed by the momentum of movement strengthened by the Light!

Therefore, you must finally learn all the Laws and act according to them, if illness or death is not to reach you soon.

He who does not add a high, luminous goal to his earthly work cannot exist in the future, not even earthly. He must disintegrate according to the Light-amplified Laws of God which rest in Creation, and will also be spiritually atomized as useless fruit which does not fulfil its purpose in this Creation.

Objectively, this event is simple, but its effect on humanity, as it still shows itself today, is of unspeakable dreadfulness! Nothing is left to you. The willingness or unwillingness in the decision shall still remain with you, because it rests in the nature of all spirit, but rapid succession to the final release will now become immediate to you, as quickly as you do not believe it can happen on earth in the inertia of this materiality!

If you do not wish otherwise, then only hurry blindly on your present course! You will soon realize that God’s Power is far stronger than the whole of humanity in Creation; for an abyss will open before you, abruptly and unexpectedly, and you must fall into it, still realizing beforehand that you have acted wrongly and could still be saved if you had heeded my word. Heeded and obeyed, in most unconditional obedience! Unconditionally, it is said from this hour on, otherwise recovery can no longer become possible for you!

On earth, too, humanity is now forced to comply with all the Primordial Laws of Creation without fail!

If a person has been able to reach a certain height here, this will not be enough in the future. Rather, he is obliged to maintain himself on it through constant effort, otherwise he will quickly go down again. Each one must leave the post on which he cannot hold on, because he may only be regarded as what he really is, not as he was! The “was” passes away with every change and is no more. The “is” alone has value and validity in the Kingdom of the Thousand Years.

Therefore, human being, in the future, always remain through your real being as you want to be. You fall or rise immediately with every coming change, also externally and grossly. You must never count on holding a post which you no longer fulfil, to which you no longer belong! You must go steadily forward and upward! Without constant movement there is no longer a foothold for you in Creation. You cannot bask in the glory of your ancestors. The son never in the glory of his father. The wife has no share in the deeds of her husband. Each one stands in it all alone. The present applies to you alone; for it is also this for a human spirit that really “is”! This is how it is in the whole of Creation, and this is how it shall also be in the future among these earthly human beings who have so far been ponderous in it! This is how God wants it and this is how it will happen!

The Grail Message, Life, Appendix 2.