Volume 19:

Christ Said

One hears this word spoken falsely a thousand times today. Christ said! With this introduction, every contradiction should be removed from the outset. But everyone who speaks also wants to shift his own responsibility away from himself. But instead of that, everyone takes on enormous responsibility... before God!

But he does not think of this until it will roll upon him with a force that must silence him forever! The hour is coming, the stones of retribution are already rolling! The greatest of all retribution, however, arises in many human spirits in the opening words: Christ said! ––

The words are then followed by some sentence from the “Holy Scripture”, which is meant to serve as comforting reassurance, as an incentive, also as a warning and even as a threat, or defence and argument. It is used as a balm and as a sword, as a shield and also as a gentle resting pillow!

All this would be beautiful and great, would even be the right thing, if the words quoted were still alive in the same sense as Christ really spoke them!

But it is not so! Men formed many of these words out of themselves in the most defective memory, and in so doing could not reproduce the same sense of Christ’s words.

You only need to see how it is today. Whoever wants to explain something from the Grail Message, which is available in print and was written by myself, with his own words or transcriptions from memory alone, does not bring it today in the way that corresponds to the actual meaning. Through a second mouth, through a second pen, changes always come, with new words the actual meaning is twisted, sometimes even distorted, in the best will to stand up for it. It is never the word that I have spoken.

And how much worse at that time, since there were no records of the Son of God’s Word, and everything could only be transmitted to this posterity by second, third persons. Only long after the time when Christ had left the World of Gross Matter! Everything arose out of the defective human memory, the transcripts and narratives, and all the words, which now people were accustomed to presuppose with certainty: Christ said!

Already at that time, Lucifer’s work of elevating the human intellect to the status of an idol had, in its disastrous growth, worked so that Christ’s words could not find the ground that makes correct comprehension possible. This was an unparalleled move out of the darkness like no other. For the correct comprehension of all words that do not speak of dense matter is only possible with the undiminished cooperation of a intuitive brain, which, however, had already been greatly neglected in all human beings during Christ’s time on earth, had thus atrophied, and could not perform its full activity.

With this, Lucifer also had Earth’s humanity in his power! And that was his weapon against the Light! ––

Only the human intuitive mind, i.e. the back brain, is capable of retaining memories undistorted, but not the mind of the front brain!

The original sin of humanity, which carelessly allowed so badly the atrophy back brain, which alone is capable of recording all events and experiences as such, in images and sensations, in such a way that they are retrieved at any time exactly as they really were, unchanged, undistorted even.

The forebrain is not able to do this, as it is more bound to the gross material concept of space and time, and was not created to absorb, but to transmit into the earthly.

Thus the descriptions of what was experienced and heard during Christ’s time on earth only emerged from memory, mixed with earthly-human views, unconsciously worked out in an earthly way, but not in the purity that a powerful brain of intuitive perception would have retained and seen. The claws of Lucifer’s henchmen had already dug their furrows too deep, held their slaves of the intellect bound, so that they could no longer properly grasp or hold the greatest treasure, the message of God, their only possibility of salvation, and had to let it pass them by unused.

Just think for yourself, it does not take much effort to find your way around it. Many people came to Christ who asked him for this or that advice, to whom he then gladly gave the advice in his great love, which never failed, because he was Living Love and still is today!

So he gave information to the enquirer and supplicant as he needed it. Let us take an example.

That rich young man who was eager to know which way could lead him to the kingdom of heaven! The Son of God advised him to distribute all his possessions to the poor and then follow him.

To follow Christ means nothing other than to act exactly according to his words.

The bystanders, like so many others, quickly took note of this event in order to pass it on in the way each individual had received it. And this rarely or never corresponded to the actual meaning of Christ’s original words. For a few words in a different form are already able to change the whole meaning.

The first passers-on, however, were content with telling, with giving simple reports. Later, however, these individual pieces of advice were established as basic laws for the whole of humanity! But this was done by humans, not by Christ Himself, the Son of God!

And this humanity had also dared to assert quite simply: Christ said! It puts into his mouth what people themselves have only put into forms and words out of memory and misconception, which today are to remain for Christians as the determining Word of God, inviolable.

Therein lies a thousandfold murder of the true Word of the Son of God!

Every human being knows very well that he is not able to describe infallibly, weeks or months later, what he once experienced, what he heard! He is never able to repeat it literally and exactly. And if there are two, three, four or even ten people who heard or saw the same thing at the same time, there will be just as many variations in the description. Today, no one doubts this fact.

So, it stands to reason that you would have to draw conclusions retrospectively, when you realize this! Conclusions that are compelling, inviolable.

For it was no different in the time of the Son of God on earth! You see it clearly enough in the evangelists! Their reports often bear this stamp visibly. For example, when Peter, the first of the disciples, pronounced his realization to the Son of God: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!”

These significant words and also Christ’s answer are given by the evangelists, but not in a uniform form. Matthew points out that the Son of God then figuratively gives Peter a key to the kingdom of heaven, that he makes him a rock for a nascent community, while the other evangelists take Christ’s answer more generally, which is more correct.

Peter was only the first to speak this conviction literally. And such events do not remain mere words, but immediately become action in Creation! They quickly take on form in ethereal matter, immediately! The honest conviction that Peter anchored thereby in dense matter through his words, his confession, became a rock in ethereal matter at the same moment, which remained as a foundation stone for the building of a later congregation, for all those who can become capable of believing in the Son of God in the same, simply honest conviction!

And, with that, Peter also had the key to paradise in his hand. For this conviction that Jesus is the Son of God naturally brings with it the urge to live according to His Word! But this is also the key to the Kingdom of Heaven for every human being! This confession is the key, provided that a person who confesses in this way receives the Word of God undistorted, understands It correctly and lives according to It. Christ knew this process of the Law of Creation, which took place ethereally in Peter's convinced words, and spoke it out, explaining it to the disciples. The lawfulness of ethereal processes is also known to every reader of my Grail Message.

Peter was therefore only the first to receive the key to Paradise through his felt and spoken confession. And to whom he could later convey this same conviction on earth, he always opened the kingdom of heaven. But to those who did not want to share his conviction, it had to remain closed to them. All this is a completely natural, self-acting event, clear and simple, and is not bound to Peter, nor dependent on him.

Christ wanted to and could only base a community on such a conviction, but not on a person! Peter was just the one who first really expressed it in conviction. The conviction formed, shaped, became the rock, but not Peter as a person!

Matthew, however, gives the sense of Christ's answer according to his own view purely personal, as concerning only Peter.

Matthew, in particular, shows many things to be misunderstood, which he then carelessly passes on in his way of processing things. As already at the beginning of his writings: Matthew 1, 21 (announcement of the angel to Joseph):

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Matthew follows this up in verses 22 and 23:

“Now all these things have come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Imanuel, which is interpreted, God with Us.”

Matthew wants to connect the prophecy of Isaiah with the birth of the Son of God in a way that shows all too clearly that in his writings he only lets his own personal opinion speak, that is, he does not remain objective.

This should have served as a warning to everyone that these writings should not be regarded as the Word of God, but only as the personal views of the author!

Matthew, for example, does not even see the difference between the announcement by Isaiah, which he himself cites, and that of the angel, but mixes them both together with childlike innocence, because he “thinks” it so, quite unconcerned about whether it is also correct. He does not even see that the names mentioned in it are different.

But not without purpose they were most certainly designated!

Isaiah announces “Imanuel”. But the angel proclaims “Jesus”! So it is not Imanuel that Mary gave birth to, and therefore not the one Isaiah proclaims!

Isaiah announced “Imanuel”, the Son of Man, but the angel announced “Jesus”, the Son of God! These are clearly two different announcements, they demand two different fulfillments, which in turn must be brought by two different persons. A mixture of these two processes is impossible, it can also only be maintained with deliberate human will, bypassing all fundamentals.

Matthew had no evil intention in doing so, it was merely the transcription of his simple view in the most carefree manner. It was easy for him to connect it, since people at that time waited more than today for the fulfilment of the promises of old prophets and lived longingly in them. He had no idea of the disaster that would result from even greater misunderstanding.

I need not say anything further here about the fulfilment of “Imanuel’s” proclamation, as I have already spoken about it in detail several times in The Grail Message. ––

The misunderstanding was the same in Jesus’ time on earth as it is now! He himself lamented often enough that his disciples did not understand him! Could not understand! Do you think that this was different when he was no longer with them?

“The spirit came over them later,” say many people who think little or not at all! But the spirit did not at the same time change the defects of the brain. But weaklings think it is a sin to think in this way, while it is only an excuse for their spiritual indolence, which they think they can gloss over with it.

But you will soon awaken from the lukewarmness of such thoughts! “But when the Son of Man comes ….” Christ declared warningly, threateningly. Think of it, when the hour of proclamation comes, when the Lord Himself reveals that He sent the Son of Man to earth! Remember that Christ threatened all spiritually mature humanity with this! ––

When He once told the rich young man to give away all his possessions, this was necessary only for him, for he had asked: “What shall I do?” And the answer Christ gave him should not apply in this sense to all mankind!

The advice was of personal use to the rich young man. He was too weak in himself to rise up inwardly at the comfort of his wealth. Therefore, wealth was an obstacle to his spiritual ascent! The best advice that Christ could give him was, of course, to remove all obstacles. In this case, the wealth that induced the young man to comfort.

But also only because of this! Not that a person should not have wealth!

A person who does not accumulate his riches uselessly in order to give himself pleasure with them, but who uses them properly, utilizes them in the right sense, converts them to the blessing of many, is far more valuable and of higher standing than one who gives them all away! He stands much higher, more beneficial in Creation!

Such a man, by virtue of his wealth, is able to give employment to thousands during the whole of their existence on earth, thus giving them the consciousness of self-earned livelihood, which has a strengthening, promoting effect on the spirit and the body! But, it goes without saying, that the right attitude towards work and rest must be maintained, and that the right value must be given for every work performed, and that a strictly just balance must be maintained.

This keeps movement in Creation, which is indispensable for health and harmony. One-sided giving away without demanding something in return only brings stagnation and disturbances according to the Laws of Creation, as is evident in everything, even in the earthly body, where lack of movement causes thickening of the blood, blood stagnation, because only in movement does the resulting increased oxygen turnover allow the blood to flow more freely and more purely through the veins.

Man finds this law of necessary movement everywhere in a thousand different forms, but in essence always the same. It lies in each individual case and yet interacts with each other in the whole of Creation, through all planes, and even the spirit needs the exercise of this law without interruption if it wants to persist, remain powerful, ascend.

Nothing without this! Movement everywhere in unconditional balance of giving and taking.

It was not a general principle that the Son of God laid down in the advice he gave to the rich young man, but it applied to the young man alone, or to those like him who are also too weak to control wealth. He who lets himself be ruled by wealth shall not have it, for it does not serve him. Only he who controls it himself will benefit from it, and he should have it, since he knows how to help himself and many others with it, since he keeps and promotes movement in Creation.

This never comes in the giving away, or only extremely rarely! Many people first awaken to the need, to movement. As soon as they receive help from others too quickly, they slacken, rely on this help and sink spiritually because they cannot stay in motion themselves without impetus. They then live without a goal, and often fill their time only with seeing everything in others that is to be blamed, except in themselves, but wishing for themselves what others possess. A lazy generation is brought up with one-sided giving, unfit for fresh, joyful life, and thus harmful to the whole of Creation!

This is not what was meant by Christ’s advice! ––

Nor did the Son of God ever speak against wealth itself, but only against rich people who let themselves be hardened by wealth against all compassion for others in need, who thereby sacrificed their spirit to wealth, have no interest in anything but wealth, and thus let themselves be completely dominated by wealth.

That Christ himself did not despise or reject wealth is shown by his frequent visits to houses of the rich, where he went in and out as a friendly guest.

Nor was he himself poor, as is strangely often assumed. There is no reason for this almost popular assumption of his poverty.
Christ never had to worry about food. He was born into circumstances that are now called middle-class, since this environment alone remained the healthiest. He bore neither the over-breeding of all the rich and the aristocratic circles, nor the bitterness of the working classes. It was precisely chosen. Joseph, the carpenter, could be called wealthy, not poor at all.

The fact that Christ was born in the stable in Bethlehem at that time was merely the result of overcrowding in Bethlehem because of the census, which is why Joseph also came there. Joseph was simply not given any alternative accommodation, as can still happen here and there to some people today at very special events. None of this had anything to do with poverty. In Joseph’s house, there would have been bedrooms like those of the wealthy citizens.

And Christ did not have to live in poverty either! This concept only came into being because the One who came from God had no sense for anything that went beyond the earthly necessities of life. The task he had come to fulfil was not for the earthly, but for the spiritual alone!

Christ’s reference to people being “brothers and sisters” is also wrongly used today. How earthly unhealthy for communist ideas, how disgustingly sweet in relations to religion. Working straight into the hand of darkness; for in today’s view it absolutely holds down the free, God-willed aspiration of the individual human spirit. Refinement can never take place in this process. It is all just another unhealthy distortion of what Christ wanted.

When he spoke of human beings all being brothers and sisters, he was far from thinking of such aberrations as exist in many cases now. He spoke in an enlightening way for that time, when the bad habit of slavery was at its peak, when people were given away and sold, and thus considered to be without will!

But human beings are sisters and brothers from the spirit, from their origin. They are human spirits, which must not be regarded as goods without free-will, since every human spirit carries within itself the ability of self-conscious will.

That is the only way it was meant, it was never meant to imply the equality that is sought in it today. No human spirit enters Paradise just because it is allowed to call itself a human spirit! There is no equality in the general sense. The conditions of maturity play a decisive role. First the human spirit must fulfil everything, do everything it is able to give in the will to the good. Only in this comes the maturity that can make Paradise accessible to the human spirit.

Ironclad stand the Laws in Creation which, from their origin, can never be overthrown or displaced by the designation little brothers and little sisters! Not even here on earth! How sharply the Son of God himself commanded the earthly to be separated from the spiritual and yet to be fulfilled, lies clearly and distinctly in his declaration: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God's! ––

And so it is with many sentences and reports in the Bible, on which people have based their views when reproducing them.

Yet all these writers at that time did not want to make a law out of it for all mankind, but only to report.

It is also to be forgiven them that the earthly people of that time and also Christ’s disciples did not understand much of what the Son of God spoke to them, and what often made Him so sad. And that they later passed on everything in the manner of their own misunderstanding was done in the best of intentions, as it was kept in the memories, which for the reasons already given must not be regarded as inviolable.

But it is unforgivable that later people simply assert boldly that Christ said! And thus the erroneous views of men, the products of inadequate human memory, are definitely subordinated to the Son of God without further ado, only in order to found and maintain, in selfish endeavour, a doctrinal edifice, the gaps in which must have made the whole structure appear rotten and decrepit to any powerful intuitive perceiving from the very beginning, so that the only possibility existed was to demand blind faith, so that the innumerable holes in the structure could not be seen at once!

They held and they still hold today only with the strict demand of blind faith and the incisive word: Christ said!

And this word, this calculating assertion, shall become a terrible judgment to them! For it is just as false as the presumption to say that Christ’s crucifixion was willed by God in order to wash away all the sins of these earthly people with the sacrifice! The future will teach us to recognize what lies in distorting the murder of the Son of God in such an unbelievable arrogance of humanity, what brazen sacrilege is involved.

I, Imanuel, say to you today:

Woe to the people who once murdered the Son of God on the cross! A hundredfold woe to you, however, who after you had put Him a thousand times on the cross in his Word! And you still murder Him in it, daily, hourly, again and again! A heavy judgment will fall upon you! ––